Sunday, October 20, 2013

Treating Insect Bites

It just so happens that we are not alone on this planet and , wherever we go , everywhere we are faced with the flora and fauna. Many people are very fond of " attacks " in the country, where you can admire and enjoy its charms , but there is this and that with which no one wants to face . Usual walk in the park or public garden can result in very unpleasant insect bites , fully secure itself which can not be anywhere , even in a big city . Unfortunately , few people know how to provide first aid for insect bites and how to treat them.
Very often people are bitten by mosquitoes usual , much less bees, wasps or bumblebees . If the mosquito is simple , here's other insects can bite as a result of a lot of trouble , such bites are particularly dangerous in the event that you or someone next to you have been bitten by several or even a swarm of insects . The first such victim assistance should be provided immediately .
Insect bites can be dangerous , especially if you have allergies to them. Even without such a feature of the body after a bite at the victim could rapidly deteriorate health, will be a feeling of nausea , dizziness , swelling or redness of the skin. In some cases, a person bitten by insects could even lose consciousness.
Before you treat the bite of insects such as bees or wasps , you should give first aid , which is mandatory that the following steps.
1. It is necessary to remove the stinger . It should not be at the same rush as the stinger to remove it completely and try to move it without breaking . If there are a pair of tweezers , you can remove the sting of it, if not, then you can remove it with your fingers , and only in this case will have to be more careful . It is important for the treatment of insect bites completely remove tip , because in that case it will remain in the wound slice , this can result in the appearance of inflammation and pus.
2 . Further, if necessary, to bring the victim is unconscious , in a sense . With this quite easily by using cotton wool soaked in liquid ammonia , which just need to give it a sniff . If the victim for a long period of time remains unconscious , it should not delay call an ambulance or take him to the doctor.
3 . After the sting is removed , and the victim came to, the need to address the treatment of insect bites . It must start with the treatment of the wound . This may come up a solution of potassium permanganate , hydrogen peroxide, alcohol , vodka or cologne. If there is nothing suitable , then you can apply a wound dressing cool .
4 . Help the body to neutralize the poison got into the wound and the matter attached with it can be drinking a lot of fluids .

There is some advice of traditional medicine , which will help in the treatment of insect bites. For example, after you have removed the sting , but did not itch , you can do the following. You just have to squeeze the juice of garlic or make him gruel and moisten a cotton ball to apply the juice or pulp to the bite site . This will help to remove the swelling and numb .
In that case, if you can not pull the sting of an insect in full in accordance with the advice of traditional medicine , you can make this place a compress of cotton wool soaked in vodka or alcohol.
Treatment of other biting insects such as mosquitoes or mosquitoes , which are the modern man more often, should be about the same as the stings of bees , but there are some features.
Once you are bitten by a mosquito on the skin can cause irritation , burning sensation and pain of short duration . It is very important after such a bite to begin to treat it properly .
1. Do not rub the bite and even the skin around it , because after that itch can only intensify. It is especially important not to convince a child , as children often comb the wound is strong enough , why then it heals much longer and requires additional treatment.
2 . It is desirable immediately after you are bitten by a mosquito, clean the skin with an alcohol or any ammonia .

In many cases, the treatment of mosquito bites at this end , but in the event that the malaria mosquito was ( almost the entire territory of the country is very rare ), you should seek medical assistance .
In general , to prevent insect bite in almost all cases it is possible , and to do this would be much easier than to treat it and then endure the discomfort . You only need to use special means from mosquitoes, which need a special period of the prevalence of insects applied to the skin before going out , hang on the windows open special mosquito nets and use other means of protection against insects premises . Also, do not forget about the simple precautions , for example, do not go near the hives without special clothes or special need . Just do not run with them or make sudden movements .

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