Sunday, October 20, 2013

Treatment of gum disease

With gum disease of varying severity experienced more than 80 % of the population of our planet. This is quite a serious disease that , unfortunately, is not always treated in time , because many people underestimate its severity . If you feel pain in the gums , they saw the gums bleed or reddened , it is time to think about how to treat gum disease .
In order to treat gum disease, you need to determine at what stage of development is a disease . They have three .
1. Periodontal disease . Many experts believe it is not a disease , since it does not require treatment with medication , and can get rid of it at higher loads on the teeth and gums. For example, a cure gum disease can often only include in your diet foods, which then have to be hard to chew, it may be nuts , fruit or fresh vegetables.
2 . Gingivitis . This is a more severe stage of the disease, in which there are symptoms such as bleeding gums and the appearance of lumps on them. In addition , with this gum disease is very easy to hurt them , to recognize this stage as it is possible by the presence of halitosis .
3 . Periodontitis . This is the final stage of gum disease . At this stage, the inflammation will not only affect the gingiva , but the tooth cloth , and even bone. If you do not treat the disease , then eventually the tooth may become loose and eventually leave you forever.

In order to understand how to treat gum disease , you need to decide on the question of why it occurs . The main reason that causes the development of the disease is the presence and multiplication in the mouth and on the gums of harmful bacteria that cause inflammation. There are plenty of factors that , even if you comply with all the rules of oral hygiene, you belong to a risk group . These factors can be referred all diseases during the course of which the immunity decreases , it's just all the contagious nature of the disease , accompanied by the occurrence of inflammatory processes. In addition , inflammation of the gums may appear or move to the next stage of pregnancy or other events in the life of a woman when there is a change in hormonal levels .
If you suddenly while brushing found that the gums were bleeding , they had a strong redness or a burning pain , you should not shelving them , pay a visit to the dentist. Only a dentist can properly assign the same treatment to get rid of gum disease . If, however, for some reason you can not go to the doctor to begin treatment of gum disease and can be home.
To begin , it is necessary to replace a toothpaste paste with a high content of fluorine , moreover, no harm will start using desensitizing gel . Addition to the first treatment of gingivitis can be the use of special rinse solutions to help reduce the amount of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity.
If gum disease is accompanied by severe pain , then you can just take some painkillers and anti-inflammatory agent , for example , analgin or paracetamol .
If the hand has no means out of the shop , then help treat gum disease at home and are popular recipes , which are many . Especially effective are the means for prevention of gum disease . If you make regular use of such funds , then to treat the inflammation does not have to.

1 comment:

  1. Very good work really it will useful to all people thank you for posting this blog.
    Gum disease
