Sunday, October 6, 2013

Diets longevity.

These dietary meals prepared using spelled, which is recognized as the best dietary product in the world. All dishes are prepared with the use of spelled, a beneficial effect on health and promote longevity . These are not empty words , proven by nutritionists many countries.Pancakes with mushroom sauceFor the preparation we need:Polbyanoy 150 g flour ;300 ml milk ;2 eggs ;half of the onions ;50g butter ;30 g yeast.For the sauce :250 g mushrooms ;100 ml cream , ,20 grams of butter ;1 tsp. apple cider vinegar ;small bunch of parsley.Add the yeast to the flour and a pinch of salt. Heat the milk, pour it into the flour and stir . The resulting dough Cover with a towel and leave for 10 minutes. Iron wire whisk , beat eggs until foaming . Pour the beaten eggs into the batter and mix . Add the batter into a hot pan with melted butter. Rotate the pan from side to side , spreading over the entire surface of the dough and fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown acquisition . Telno'promyvaem mushrooms thoroughly , then chop them finely . Clean and rinse the onions, then shinkuem . Put the mushrooms and onions to the pan and fry them in oil for 10 minutes. Pour sauteed mushrooms and onions in a bowl , add them to the sour cream, vinegar and chopped dill and mix well . Pour the sauce hot pancakes , but you can not water , just dip .Spelt with lamb and vegetablesFor the preparation we need:400 g spelled ;600 kg of mutton ;2 eggplant ;200 g white cabbage ;200 g tomatoes ;100 g of carrots ;1 sweet pepper ;1 bunch dill ;1 tbsp. liter. ginger;4 tbsp. liter. vegetable oils;salt and pepper to taste.Mutton is washed out , put it in a pot with water , add chopped dill , ginger , salt and pepper , 4 tablespoons vegetable oil , put the pot on the fire and cook for 20 minutes. Thoroughly flush all vegetables (except eggplants ) , cleanse and cut into large pieces , then pour into the pan with the lamb and cook for another 10 minutes. Wash and cleanse eggplant , cut them into cubes , add to the pan and continue to cook for 30 minutes. In a separate pan warm up and bring to a boil water (1.2 liters) , pour into it spelled and boil before cooking. Cooked spelled out onto the plate , the meat cut into small pieces and add the vegetables along with the top to the spelled . The dish is ready .Pilaf spelled and lentilsFor the preparation we need:300 g spelled ;200 g lentils ;400 g of bacon ;2 onions ;3 cloves of garlic ;1 bunch of parsley ;2 tsp. cinnamon ;3 tbsp. liter. olive oil;1.2 liters of water;salt and pepper to taste.Take lentils, sort out and washed , and then soaked for half an hour . Spelled pour into a saucepan with water , add the lentils , cinnamon, set on fire and cook for 15 minutes. Take bacon , cut it in small slices, purify and grind the onion and garlic, then spread it all in a pan with olive oil and fry for 10 minutes. Spelled cooked with lentils add to the pan with fried bacon, onion and garlic , stir . Sprinkle with chopped parsley. The dish is ready .Mushroom soup with spelledFor the preparation we need:100 g spelled ;150 grams of mushrooms ;100 g tomatoes ;300 g cauliflower ;50 g of carrots ;100 g of pepper ;1 head of onion ;50 g frozen peas ;1 tbsp. liter. Vegetable oil ;3 liters of water ;salt and pepper to taste.Wash all the vegetables , mushrooms and peas . Clear the onions and carrots. Mushrooms and peppers cut into small pieces , tomatoes - sliced ​​, shinkuem onions , carrots rub on a coarse grater , sea kale cut into stripes . Mushrooms pour into the pan with water , put on fire , bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. Add to the pot cabbage , carrots , peppers , onions, and spelled , and continue to cook for 10 minutes. Add the thawed peas , tomatoes , salt, pepper and cook for another 5 minutes. The dish is ready .Spelt with herringFor the preparation we need:150g spelled ;300 g fillet of herring ;1 head of onion ;3 cloves of garlic ;a small bunch of dill ;basil to taste ;coriander to taste ;salt and pepper to taste.Cut small pieces of herring fillets , purify and grind the garlic. Heat the pan, add the vegetable oil, place the herring fillets with garlic, sprinkle with basil and coriander and fry for 3 minutes. Add the spelled , salt and pepper, pour in half a liter of water and boil for 20 minutes.Cooked spelled stir and sprinkle with chopped dill on top . The dish is ready .Spelt with tomatoes and olivesFor the preparation we need:300 g spelled ;600 g tomatoes ;6 olives ;1 clove of garlic ;2 tbsp. liter. tomato paste ;100 g of cheese ;4 tbsp. liter. olive oil;salt and pepper to taste.Pour into the pan 1 liter of water , put it on the fire , bring to a boil, then Pour spelled and cook for 20 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking add salt to taste and stir . Washed tomatoes coarsely chop , shred and clear the garlic, pour it all into the pan with the olive oil , add the tomato paste , salt, pepper and simmer for 15 minutes. Coarsely chop the olives and add them to the pan and simmer for 5 minutes. Steamed vegetables add to the cooked spelled , sprinkle with shredded cheese on a coarse grater . The dish is ready .Guriev porridgeFor the preparation we need:150g spelled ;1 liter of milk ;400 g of refined hazelnut ;150 ml cherry jam seedless ;100 g of sugar ;2 tbsp. liter. butter ;1 tbsp. liter. cinnamon ;a pinch of anise .Pour the milk into the pan, put it in the preheated oven and wait for the foam will begin to appear . Once the foam appears , begin to take it off and put in a separate container . All you need to collect 20 foams . Then poured the milk into a saucepan , add the spelled and cook for 25 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking to add spelled butter , crushed and lightly toasted nuts and sugar, then stir . In a cast-iron frying pan spread a thin layer of cooked spelled in half a centimeter . Add another layer of foam , then again spelled layer and thus continue to add layers . The penultimate layer of jam making (50 ml ) , mixed with Dittany , and the last - a layer of emmer . Put the pan in the preheated oven and bake 7 minutes. We took out the mess of the oven and fill it with the remaining jam. The dish is ready .Spelt with beef and honeyFor the preparation we need:400 g spelled ;400 grams of beef ;5 heads of onions ;150 g of honey :150 ml of vegetable oil;3 liters of water ;1 tbsp. liter. cinnamon ;salt and pepper to taste.Cut the beef into small pieces , then put it in a pot with water , add 2 tablespoons oil , salt, pepper and cinnamon. Put the pan on the fire , bring to the boil and leave to cook on low heat. In a separate pan pour in water ( 1.2 L) , bring it to a boil, pour it spelled , add salt to taste and cook to cook . Cooked spelled pour into a deep dish and add a cooked meat . Clear the onion, cut it rings , pour into a saucepan with water and boil . Boiled onions pour on the hot frying pan and lightly fry in the remaining oil. Fill the onions with honey, stir and fry for another 3 minutes. Once the onions browned , pour it on top of spelled . The dish is ready .Emmer wheat pilaf and tomatoesFor the preparation we need:350 g spelled ;500 g tomatoes ;3 red bell peppers ;3 onions ;650ml beef stock ;150 grams of butter ;salt and pepper to taste.Clean up and shred onion, then pour it with spelled in a pan with melted butter and simmer for 5 minutes. Washed peppers and tomatoes cut into small pieces , pour into the pan and simmer for another 3 minutes . Then add the broth to the pan , salt and pepper, cover with a lid and cook for about 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and give afloat stand 15 minutes. The dish is ready .See the article : Health benefits of fishDiet - a way to achieve through diet changes , any goals. More often than not to a slimming diet or cleansing of the body . Among the popular diets can distinguish the Kremlin diet , rice , Japanese, buckwheat . Buckwheat diet also is therapeutic and has been successfully used in the treatment of cancer.

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