Monday, October 28, 2013

Traditional recipes of treatment beets

Application beet elevated blood pressure, as well as a sedative.Beet juice , mix with honey in half , take half a cup three times a day.
The use of beet rehabilitation after serious illness.Take equal parts of beetroot, carrots and cucumbers. Squeeze the juice from them , let stand for about an hour in the refrigerator and take half a cup once a day in the winter , early spring and after an illness . Juice store in the refrigerator for no more than a day . It is noted that such treatment improves the condition of the liver and digestive tract, strengthens the immune system , improves eyesight. This recipe is particularly useful for the elderly.Treatment of beet skin inflammationFresh pulp roots periodically ( as drying ) is applied to ulcers and tumors.See : Alternative MedicineTreatment of anemia beetsA mixture of beet juice , carrot and radish , taken in equal amounts , take every day for half a tablespoon before meals for a few months.Application for anemiaA mixture of juice from beets and cabbage , taken in equal amounts , drink daily. You can also apply and pickled beets .A mixture of beet juice with carrot and redechnym , taken in equal amounts , enter in your daily diet. This mixture is also used to improve metabolism and as a general tonic .The use of beet for hypertensionHalf a glass of beet juice drink 3 times a day before meals. Therapeutic effect will increase if you add a little honey .Treatment of beet colds.To recuperate from an illness drink 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating fresh beet juice , starting with 1 teaspoon and gradually increase the dose to 100 ml. The course of treatment - up to two months.Rhinitis , sinusitis , sinusAt a cold with a frothy bury dropper , 2-3 drops of boiled beetroot juice in each nostril. You can dig and raw beet juice , but he must first stand several hours .when adenoids100 g beetroot juice take 30 grams of honey , dissolve it in the juice and drip into each nostril to 5 drops of the solution. After a few days there will come improvement and relief of nasal breathing . The tool does not fully deliver on the adenoids , but will postpone the operation and use more and other means.
Treatment of angina beetsGrate a full glass of red beets , pour there tablespoon wine vinegar , soak for several hours , press . The resulting juice gargle 5-6 times a day. 1-2 tablespoons take internally . The course of treatment - about two weeks.In a glass of freshly squeezed juice , add a tablespoon of honey. This solution gargle 6 times a day , and then drink it.Treatment of pharyngitis beetsRub 0.5 kg of beetroot, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar , stir , leave for 2 hours, strain and use to gargle .
When phlebitis ( inflammation of the veins)Pour 50 g of leaves of beetroot liter of boiling water . Leave for 10 minutes , strain. Is the inside of 150 grams after eating as an aid for the normalization of the blood vessels.At a headacheApply a fresh beet leaf on his forehead.A piece of cotton wool soaked in beet juice , put in your ear at night - it will remove the headache.In chronic constipationEat on an empty stomach at 100-150 grams of boiled beets. Can you prepare a salad of boiled beets, garlic and a few nucleoli walnuts and fill it with a small amount of mayonnaise . Fiber and organic acids beet increase colonic contractions .Treatment of beet gastric and duodenal ulcers.Mix in a vessel made ​​of dark glass 1 glass of carrot juice , 1 cup of raw beet juice , half cup of aloe juice , 1 cup of white wine, vermouth or 2 glasses of Cahors . Insist week. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The first time is possible diarrhea - do not let this scare . The course of treatment - a three-liter bottle of this medicine . After a 20 -day break , repeat the treatment . For a complete cure to perform 3 of the course.For wounds and ulcersPoultice of freshly grated beets attach to the wound and change 3-5 times a day. In this way breastfeeding mothers can quickly and effectively get rid of cracked nipples .
Cleaning the body beetsMix equal amounts of beet juice , black radish and carrots. Drain the mixture in a dark bottle , set for 3 hours in a warm oven. Drink juice and 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.General state of the organismPour 2 tablespoons of chopped or grated on a coarse grater beets boiled water . Insist at room temperature for 1 hour , then strain. Take extract 1 tablespoon 3-5 times a day.

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