Friday, October 11, 2013

Cold feet.

Cold feet - not an uncommon phenomenon , especially in women , as a rule, does not depend on the time of year .
Reason cold feet - poor circulation in the legs, which may cause problems of various diseases, including viral . We need to pay attention to this fact. Very useful foot baths .
Take two deep basin in which the legs could dive into the water up to mid-calf ( for varicose veins water should reach only up to the ankles ) . In a bowl , pour the cold water , and in the other - warm .
Soak your feet in warm water and gently massage them with a brush from the foot up to the entire amount of immersion , that is no higher than the water level. The massage - 10 minutes. Then immerse feet in cold water for 30 seconds , after bring to 1 minute. The alternation of warm and cold water , repeat with the same duration . Finish the procedure with cold water.
Then muffle his feet in a blanket and relax for at least 30 minutes.

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