Monday, October 28, 2013

Medical carrots

Simeon Sith (XI c.) Mentions in his writings, namely carrots these colors. But the orange carrot was introduced in the Netherlands in the XVII century. Today we are accustomed to just such its color. But that was once yellow vegetable acquired orange-red color, it took centuries of breeding . Orange carrots caught yellows more than their girlfriends , because, unlike them, does not stain dishes in other products. Taste it also has changed, become more sweet.Before the XII century in Europe carrots used solely as a horse's feed . At the same table it - with oil, vinegar and salt - were the first to apply the Spaniards . Italians liked the dessert of carrots with honey. And the British decided that the carrot is so beautiful that it can not only eat , but also to decorate her hair. And of course , carrots were used for medicinal purposes. No wonder it was called - medical carrots.
In Russia, carrots are grown for a long time . In the " Domostroi " - a monument of Russian literature of the XVI century - carrots referred to as long-known and popular plant . At the time, it consumed raw, pickled , fried and steamed forms. But carrots were not only delicious food. The healing properties of seeds, leaves, carrot juice , known since the time of ancient Greece, are still used today .Nowadays, carrots are grown everywhere, except for the tropical latitudes. It does not lose its popularity and does not change its high status , once given to her by Roman writers, - the status of Queen vegetables.
treatment of carrots
Russian doctors have long been using the carrot treated leprosy sores , scrofula , burns, anemia. Treated carrots and kidney stone disease , and administered as protivoglistnogo , diuretic.Today carrots continue to make active use of the drug , but on the basis of numerous scientific studies. Scientists have long work has been done on the selection of carrots. The purpose was: to increase the content in the roots of carotene and carotenoids - a large group of dyes ( pigments) . Medicinal properties of these materials are disclosed to all the new aspects . One can say that the saturation of the orange color is directly proportional to the benefits of carrots - the brighter the color , the more carotene in carrots , which means that vitamin A, which boosts the immune system and helps protect against infection.In carrot weight mineral substances, vitamins ( A, B3, C, and E) , minerals and enzymes (sodium , calcium , phosphorus , potassium) and folic acid .Carrots - very useful for the liver , kidneys and digestive tract, it helps a healthy metabolism. Applied carrot for treating diarrhea and other digestive problems . It is able to kill harmful bacteria . Carrots are used to cleanse the body of toxins and impurities . She alkalizes , cleanses and stimulates virtually all organs .Carrot effect on the body is universal : as a tonic , diuretic , laxative , antiseptic , analgesic , anti-inflammatory , hemostatic and wound-healing agent .
Carrots are very good for the eyes, it improves vision. Especially needed carrots growing child's body. This vegetable is often called the "factory of vitamins " - it is widely used in the vitamin industry . Carrot designate both inwardly and outwardly . Very often, carrot juice is prescribed in combination with honey or sugar or boiled grated carrots in the milk - this helps the general loss of strength, anemia , colds, impotence , disorders of the digestive tract. Fresh juice is recommended to rinse the mouth and throat in various inflammatory processes. For the treatment of carrots burns, frostbite and purulent wounds and ulcers recommended applying grated carrots.
In folk medicine used the whole plant - root vegetable and its juice , seeds and greens . Carrots are consumed not only in raw and cooked forms - its canned, dried , fermented cabbage . Carrot juice is refreshing complexion , helps to increase the milk of nursing mothers, it is very useful in the early stages of tuberculosis, with nephrolithiasis , cardiovascular diseases , disorders of vision.

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