Sunday, October 6, 2013

Cleansing bath and sauna.

Cleansing bath and cleansing sauna - is one of the oldest ways to cleanse the body. A pot stand sodium, chloride, urea and various toxins .By heating : expanding the pores of the skin, dissolve greasy fat, skin is cleansed for the free flow of oxygen ;cleared of broncho- pulmonary system of mucus and phlegm ;warm up and relax muscles, they are cleared of lactic acid cleaned and receive treatment effect all the joints and ligaments ;there is a redistribution of blood in the body and lymph ;purification of unnecessary chapped skin, cleanses the blood vessels and improves their elasticity , prevents the appearance of wrinkles.Oh , and if at the same time use brooms ( best are birch , oak , sagebrush ) , the skin and the body will get a lovely massage and many useful vitamins and minerals , as well as certain therapeutic effect.
In the period of purification in the bath or sauna is useful taking vitamins from the fruit teas ( rose, viburnum, mountain ash , black currants , blackberries, strawberries) , from the leaves and twigs ( raspberry, black currant , blackberries , cranberries ) .To cleanse the urinary system is useful reception diuretic infusions of bearberry gryzhnika , juniper berries , horsetail , birch leaf , color, cornflower , angelica root .
Contraindications to the cleansing in the bath and sauna
Epilepsy , paralysis of the vascular etiology of Parkinson's disease, migraine, acute forms of rheumatism , acute forms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract , chronic hepatitis , cholelithiasis , with frequent bouts of diarrhea, enterostomy , tumors and various tumors, open form of tuberculosis , severe forms of heart disease ; high blood pressure , pregnancy , children up to 3 years after a hearty meal.

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