Thursday, October 3, 2013

Exercise for hemorrhoids.

What is a hemorrhoid.
This word is now often used metaphorically to describe any problems or difficulties , however, only experienced all the "charms " of the invisible to others, the disease on themselves , it is possible to understand the true meaning of the word.When hemorrhoids are veins of the rectum and anus , which leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms such as itching and pain in the anal area , difficulty in emptying the bowel , bleeding in the area , the formation of hemorrhoids, hair loss and jamming .
Risk factors for the development of hemorrhoids are: prolonged exposure to static postures (especially - sitting ) , eating disorders , leading to constipation , increased physical activity (for women - pregnancy ) , weakness of the abdominal muscles and pelvic day. Overeating , smoking, and alcohol overindulgence also not going to benefit .
Perform the following exercises for hemorrhoids and disease recede .
5 -minute exercise with hemorrhoids for the day.

7:00 am - Exercise for proper bowel function and blood circulation in the pelvis1. Lying on your back, bend your knees and pull them to the stomach. Follow legs circular motion , simulating riding a bike. Make 10 moves to one side , 10 - to another.2 . Bend the right leg at the knee , lift up your hands to the stomach. Count to five . Return to the starting position. Do this exercise for the other leg . Repeat 5 times on each leg .3.Sognite right leg at the knee and pull it to the stomach. Straighten the knee to the floor on the left side , turning basin , but without lifting the shoulders off the floor and scapula. Count to five . Return to the starting position. Do exercise your left foot. Repeat 5 times on each leg .4.Vstante , relying on the palm ( or elbows ) and on his knees , his head down . Bend your knees , dropping his buttocks on the right shin. Count to three . Return to the starting position. Perform the exercise in the opposite direction. Repeat this exercise 10 times .5.Vstante , relying on the palm ( or elbows ) and on his knees , his head down . Tear off the floor and pull your right leg back , lift your head back and forecasting . Count to five . Return to the starting position. Do the exercise with the other leg . Repeat five times with each leg.
8hours am - get to workMassage the skin at the junction of the middle and ring fingers and the area at the junction of the palm to the wrist ( inside) .
9:00 am - the beginning of the working dayPut under the table a small footstool .Sitting down on a chair, his back slightly tilt the back - so you will not only lessen the load on the spine , but also improves blood circulation between the upper torso and pelvic organs.Choosing a seat , give preference to rigid or semi - soft seat contributes to disruption of blood flow in the pelvic area .Try not to sit near a heater - between the table and your body will create a layer of warm air , also adversely affecting the blood vessels in the pelvis .
10hours am - take a break - exercise while sitting1. Sit down , leaning back in his chair and relax. Stretch and relax the muscles of the perineum , " pulling " the anus.Do this exercise 10 times . Relax and do another two approaches , gradually bring the number of movements of muscles to 25. Try to stay in a tight position for 3-5 seconds.2.Vypryamite back, put the foot stable on the floor. Stretch and relax the buttock muscles . Perform 10 movements. Relax and repeat 3 times.3 . Rhythmically moves in and relax your stomach. Do 10 movements and rest. Repeat 3 times .4 . Sit in a chair with a hard seat. Shifting the weight from one buttock to the other , move to the edge of the seat. Repeat this exercise 5 times .5 . Lean your elbows on the table surface. Relying on his elbows and feet , lift your buttocks off the surface of the chair and relax as your muscles. Count to three . Get down on the chair . Do the exercise 5 times .
11:00 - break, standing exercises( from the stagnation of blood in the pelvis )1. Stand on the floor, cross your legs . Strain and relax the muscles of the buttocks and anal area . Do 10 movements. Relax . Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.2 . Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hands on your hips . Do circular movement of the pelvis , trying not to move the upper part of the body . Make 10 moves to one side , 10 - to another. Relax and repeat.3 . In the same position, move your hips forward without moving the upper body . Take your pelvis back . Repeat the exercise 20 times.4 . Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hands on your hips . Rhythmically moves in and relax your stomach. Do 10 movements and rest. Repeat 3 times .
12:00 - total relaxation , acupressure earsMassage the area in the ascending part of the spire (above the tragus ) .
13hours - lunch - aromatherapyIn aromakulon drip 1 drop of essential oil of roses , cypress and myrtle . Hold the pendant to face , relax and inhale the aroma .
14 hours - sitting exercisesRepeat the exercise morning of the complex.
15 hours - lunchDrink herbal infusion that will help you get rid of the unpleasant symptoms. Take 1 tbsp. liter. the root of Polygonum snake , 1 tbsp. liter. marigold flowers . 1 tbsp. liter. mint leaves , 1 tbsp. liter. angelica root , 1 tbsp. liter. Herbs of thyme , 1 tbsp. liter. toadflax herbs . 1 tbsp. liter. Peony Root , 1 tbsp. liter. rhubarb . Prepare the infusion. Drink warm.
16 hours - exercise, self-massage of the lumbar , sacral1.Vstante on the floor , cross your legs . Strain and relax the muscles of the buttocks and anal area . Do 10 movements. Relax . Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.2.Polozhite palm to the lumbar region and lightly stroking this area in the direction of the spine to the sacrum in 30 seconds.3.Poglazhivayte with great effort for 30 seconds.4.Nadavite the skin with fingertips and rub the area massaged in a circular motion for 30 seconds.5.Dvigaya brush compressed fingers towards each other , move from the skin to the center of the lateral surfaces for 30 seconds.6.Postavte to skin your knuckles in a fist , and massage the lower back and pelvis in a circular motion for 1 minute . Move slowly , intensely massaging small areas .7. Easy movements stroke lumbar area for 1 minute .
17hours - aromatherapy , mental attitudeAt 1 tsp. sea ​​salt drip 3 drops of peppermint essential oil , a drop of tea tree essential oil , 2 drops of essential oil of St. John's wort . Dissolve the salt in '/ 2 cup hot water. Place a glass beside him.Inhale the aroma and say ( out loud or to yourself ) a few phrases mental attitude :I am relaxed and calm.For all the blood vessels in my body moves freely and easily .The walls of the blood vessels of my firm and elastic .
18 hours - the road home1. Standing, stretch and relax muscles of the buttocks and anal area . Do 10 movements. Relax . Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.
19 hours - at homeWash your feet with warm water and massage the skin at the junction of the middle and ring fingers and the ankle area ( above the heel and a circle ) .
20 hours - dinnerInclude in your daily menu, beets , zucchini , carrots , pumpkin, apricots , prunes , bran , rye bread, barley , oat , buckwheat groats, vegetable oil , sea kale , dairy products .
21 - hour relaxation exercises lying
1. Lie on your back , bend your legs at the knees and put a little wider . Lift the hips , leaning on the shoulders and shoulder blades . Count to five . Get down on the floor. Repeat this exercise 10 times .2 . Stretch your legs . Raise your right leg straight , slightly move the foot in the air , lower . Do exercise your left foot. Repeat 10 times on each leg .3.Otorvite from the floor straight leg raise them to 45 °. Breed and cross your legs apart . Do this exercise 10 times .4.Sognite your knees and pull them to the abdomen , legs wrapped around his hands , shaking her back from side to side and front to back for 1 minute .5.Sdelayte deep breath and tighten your entire body. Count to five . Exhale for a count of 10 and relax all your muscles. Repeat 3 times .
22 hours - water treatmentPour into two basin water with herbal infusions in a bowl - a little warm in the second - cool .Take 1 tbsp. liter. Viburnum bark , 1 tbsp. liter. chamomile flowers , 1 tbsp. liter. tansy flowers , 1 tbsp. liter. calamus root , 1 tbsp. liter. herb St. John's wort , 1 tbsp. liter. dandelion root , 1 tbsp. liter. Clover flowers , 1 tbsp. liter. marjoram , 1 tbsp. liter. leaf mother and stepmother .
23 hours - before going to bedTake 2 tbsp. liter. warm water and drip it 4 drops of peppermint essential oil , 3 drops of essential oils of cypress , 3 drops of essential oil of myrrh .Pour water into the cup oil burner , light the candle under it .Relax, inhaling the aroma , and say ( out loud or silently ) a few phrases mental attitude :My body is completely relaxed , the muscles and blood vessels are ready for a full night's rest.Morning give my strength and vascular tone.All the organs and systems of the body of my work is excellent.

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