Sunday, September 29, 2013

The symptoms of post-natal development of pathologies

When lohiometre woman complains of feeling unwell , she has a fever , discharge may be insignificant or even absent. At a delay of lochia in the uterus , they become favorable breeding ground for a variety of microorganisms , causing become fetid smell.
Retention of urine - a common postnatal pathology . Women complain that they do not feel the urge to urinate. It may happen, but with difficulty. When the urine reaches the area of fractures in this area felt a burning sensation .
In the development of mastitis goes through three stages: serous inflammation , infiltration and purulent mastitis . Acute onset of the disease . Suddenly puerperal high fever - up to 39 " C. It is chilly , she complains of fatigue, headache and pain in the breast.
The mammary gland is significantly increased in size , with its painful palpation can detect a dense area . Above him skin is usually red and hot to the touch . On the part of the affected glands swollen lymph nodes . They are also very painful.If allowed to progress further disease-causing process , the infiltration goes to fester. In this case , the patient was a high fever with chills and a general state of intoxication. Pain in the breast is sharp, the skin over the affected area has a purple- bluish hue and zybletsya . Purulent mastitis usually proceeds in an abscess which may be superficial or positioned at the very thickness of the breast. In the study of the blood revealed leukocytosis , elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR) .
If cracked nipples woman may experience discomfort or even pain in the nipples.
Postpartum endometritis is manifested by 3 or 4 days after birth. I suddenly puerperal fever . Recorded rapid pulse , insomnia and lack of appetite. On palpation of the uterus is sharply painful and is bigger than it is laid on the 4th day. Evolved lochia muddy , sometimes have an admixture of blood and foul smell.
The disease usually lasts from 8 to 10 days, after which the woman is recovering. At a disadvantage during the infection may spread to the entire body, that is, the process will become generalized .

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