insomnia understand a set of symptoms, the main ones are: difficulty
falling asleep, frequent awakenings during the night, the feeling of
fatigue and weakness in the morning. These manifestations may be a periodic, and then in the quiet periods has the opportunity to regain their strength.But
it also happens that the repeated inability to fully relax the night of
nights for weeks, months or longer, and then the body is gradually
depleted, fatigue accumulates and nervous system starts to become loose
under the influence of chronic fatigue.Like
many other nervous system disorders, insomnia can be treated, but to
achieve a stable result and eliminate the risk of relapse therapy should
be under the supervision of a specialist. In
some cases, in order to stabilize the patient enough to change sleep
mode of the day and avoid caffeinated beverages from the diet, in some -
you can not do without medical care, but the final decision on the
choice of a particular method of treatment has to take physician.Causes of InsomniaOf course, cause insomnia in each individual case, but they may be grouped into two broad categories:1. Psycho-emotional. At
high emotional stress, stress, worry and anxiety nervous system comes
to an excited state so that the person loses the ability to relax and
fall asleep. Even
if the dream comes, he is accompanied by nightmares and worrying
muddled dreams, resulting in even a nap in the morning a man does not
feel rested.2. Mental exhaustion. These causes of insomnia often cause disturbances in sleep patterns of people engaged in intellectual work. When
performing a large volume of the brain is activated so that even after a
person goes to bed, he continues to work to solve the problem. And sometimes, just can not sleep under the same morning, and waking up does not bring the desired vigor.In
principle, can cause insomnia and more innocuous reasons: uncomfortable
bed, uncomfortable temperature in the room, background noise, drunk in
the evening coffee or tea, as well as many others. But,
no matter what are the causes of insomnia, a condition requires prompt
action before the body begins to lack of sleep jaded to falter.Insomnia TreatmentFor modern medicine treatment of insomnia is not a difficult task. Today, the answer to the question of how to deal with insomnia, ready to give as a traditional drug and traditional medicine. Most importantly, do not pick remedies for insomnia on their own and do not put your health at even greater risk.The easiest solution is to get rid of insomnia is to normalize the mode of the day. In
particular, it is necessary to establish for themselves a certain rise
time and bedtime, to find time for exercise and outdoor exercise, review
your diet, the deletion of the stimulating drinks with caffeine.If
lifestyle changes do not become the answer to the question of how to
treat insomnia, then you can consult with your doctor about receiving
sedatives or hypnotics. In this case, it is necessary to remember that no single cure for insomnia is not a completely safe and should be brief and use.Furthermore, insomnia drugs have many side effects, Propafenone addictive body. Also,
this category of medicines is not recommended during the day, when a
man has to perform actions that require good coordination and mental
clarity. You can take a pill only if you really have the ability to devote the necessary time and sleep have nothing to worry.Folk remedies for insomniaAlong with medication, a broad popular folk remedies for insomnia that are more gentle on the body and have no side effects. In
particular, help to achieve good results in insomnia herbs - mint,
lemon balm, marjoram, motherwort, and others that can be used both in
the form of infusions and decoctions, and in the form of dry extract
tablets. Full
night's sleep can help and pillows filled with dried lavender, mint and
hops - plants whose fragrance helps to relieve nervous tension and
helps to normalize the process of falling asleep.Also,
traditional medicine recommends that before going to bed so simple, but
very effective action, like taking a warm bath with lavender or pine
extract, drinking warm milk with honey, the imposition of a warm
compress on the forehead and eye sockets. Can
be used to achieve traditional Eastern medicine such as acupressure,
massaging aromatic balms in the acupressure points on the body, etc.But
if you notice that the treatment of insomnia folk remedies does not
give the desired result, you should not continue fruitless attempts and
further deplete the body is not getting enough sleep. It is necessary to seek medical help and take advantage of the tools that will really help bring back a full and healthy sleep.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Sinusitis. Treatment for sinusitis at home
Stones in the prostate. The causes, symptoms, treatment of stones in the prostate folk remedies
Allergies to cats. Causes, symptoms, treatment of allergies to cats folk remedies
Tuberculosis of the lungs. Symptoms, signs, treatment of tuberculosis folk remedies
Friday, June 21, 2013
Treatment of skin diseases in folk medicine
Skin diseases whose cause pustular infection, fungal, viral lesions - are common. The inflammatory process can affect not only the superficial layers of the skin, but also to spread deeper. Apart from the usual hygiene procedures, symptomatic treatment of skin diseases can have great help and preparations of traditional medicine.
Inflammation of the skin, such as sores, ulcers, eczema cure grated radish, mush of which is applied to the affected skin for 20 minutes.
Well as in the treatment of skin diseases in folk medicine bandage from the head of garlic pulp and 50 grams of honey is applied to sores.
Aloe juice or fresh leaves have a beneficial effect on burns, venous ulcers and purulent inflammations. Applied as a compress to the affected area.
Take 25 grams of grass marsh rosemary and pour 1 liter of boiling water in a thermos for 8-10 hours. Drink 1/3 cup 4 times a day with eczema.
To cleanse the blood in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases of the skin well to this herbal: mix 15 grams of flowers of cornflower and grass succession, with 10 grams of marigold flowers, walnut leaves, nettle leaves, horsetail grass, 20 grams of herb Viola tricolor, 10 grams grass veronica. Take 4 tablespoons of this mixture, pour 1 liter of water, leave for the night and in the morning boil and strain. Drink the infusion for 1 day in 5 receptions, a course of treatment - one and a half months.
2 tablespoons bean trefoil pour 1 cup boiling water and infuse 40 minutes, then strain. Used in the form of lotions and washes with trophic ulcers.
Buckthorn oil lubricate the affected skin with skin diseases.
Fresh leaves of walnut, you must first depart on a smooth surface to the point where one starts to separate the juice and apply to wounds and boils.
A good effect in the treatment of diseases of the skin and also give a fresh leaf clover drug which is necessary to apply ground to a suppurating wound.
How to overcome the pain in the joints
Recipes of traditional medicine exist because they help people. The results of operations are transferred from generation to generation. They are simple and effective, and so memorable. Use these recipes for recovery.
If you have overcome much pain in the joints, use efficient and friendly advice for their reduction or complete disappearance of your life.
The first recipe from joint pain
• You need to purchase chicken eggs do not shop and home. To get started you will need one egg.
• Beat 1 egg with a spoon of vegetable oil, no matter what, as long as it has not been refined (purified).
• Add 1.5 tablespoons of acetic acid and mix thoroughly.
• Rub in the sore spots after sleep and before going to bed. Before the next clean the previous layer by rubbing with a damp cloth. Joint pain settle down.
The second recipe is from joint pain
On 100 g of alcohol is over 50 g of rosin and mustard powder, egg proteins 6. Ingredients Mix, a little heat and rub the aching joints. The technique of using as the previous recipe.
Indian onions - your faithful assistant and physician
Indian onions already managed to get a window sill fans of indoor plants. It is notable as a plant with unique healing properties. Home healer has become a favorite of many families who prefer to be treated unconventionally. Indian onions heal from sciatica, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, will help with joint pain, get rid of heel spurs and salt deposits.Indian onions - a medicinal plant that grows in pots, sometimes in the ground in warm areas occurs. This plant possesses analgesic and healing properties, but it is used only external means, as it is very poisonous. Before beginning the healing rate should be applied on skin. If no allergic reaction and redness will not easily apply the recipes given below.
1. Finely chop the onion leaves India. We take raw materials and vodka at a ratio of 1:10. Insist about 10 days at the bank of glass and filter through gauze. Rubbed into the joints, apply from sciatica. Good heals and pain relievers.
2. Arrow, a couple of leaves and the bulb itself, cleared of roots, should be finely chopped. In a glass container with a capacity of 1 liter to put ground mixture and pour the vodka. In a dark and cool place such a composition insist about two weeks. The mixture is very helpful from degenerative disc disease, arthritis, treats the accumulation of salts and heel spurs.
3. Crush 1-2 leaves of Indian onions and pour 20 ml of eucalyptus oil (available in pharmacies), add 1/4 cup of ethyl alcohol. Mix and close the jar tightly and keep in a warm place for about a week, occasionally shaking the mixture. A mixture of this has analgesic and thermal qualities. Rub with aching joints, colds, neuralgia.
4. Chop the onions and add 50 ml of olive oil. Such a mushy mixture should be rubbed spine osteochondrosis.
If there is no ready-mix, and need help, you can list the bulb itself or merely cut, crush and apply to the affected area.
Tea made from dandelions against joint pain
2. Place the flower heads in a pan and pour enough water to float freely flowers. You will get one or two cups of tea.
3. Put on the stove and cook dandelion flowers in boiling water for 20 minutes.
4. Strain the broth obtained dandelion and pour into a cup. Flowers throw all the necessary nutrients already switched to tea. For sweets can add stevia and lemon - to taste. Drink this tea every time you experience pain in the joints.
- If you compile dandelions, cut as many heads as you need for one serving of tea. Dandelion must be fresh, then the content of useful substances is maximized.
- If you have prepared more tea than you can have a drink at a time, put the leftovers in the fridge and drink later.
- Dandelion tea may be prepared not only from flowers, but also from the plant roots.
- If you are taking any medications, ask your doctor whether you can drink tea made from dandelions, because it can neutralize or modify the action of drugs.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Derivation of acne and pimples
Acne - is an inflammatory skin disorder that begins at puberty and, most often, with him and ends. But for some people this is a problem in adulthood. What brings considerable discomfort and affects the quality of life.
During puberty, the body begins the active hormonal changes and increases the amount of testosterone. Which stimulates the production of sebum. It is a natural protective lubricant for our skin. However, an excessive amount thereof occludes the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, resulting in inflammation.
Acne is an inherited disease. Some people have very sensitive skin receptors for testosterone and even with normal blood concentrations they develop skin lesions. If such a problem occurs in 20 - 25 years, it may be associated with diseases of the ovaries, thyroid or adrenal glands.
There are several types of acne: acne (pimple), abscess (pustules), eel with a white head (s) and eel with black head (s). Perhaps a combination of all these species in one person. As a complication, can develop abscessed and abscess acne.
In any case you can not squeeze acne, it is difficult to do correctly, and get complications - easily. Acne treatment is the use of both internal and external means. It is important to follow the diet and the way to cleanse the body. Exclude from the diet of sweet pastries, cakes products, it is best to get carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits and cereals. For some time, it should minimize the reception of milk, sour cream, cottage cheese. You can use yogurt, low-fat yogurt and yogurt. Fatty foods only increase the production of sebum. Therefore, they should be deleted. Can a small amount of oily sea fish. Avoid spicy, fried and smoked food. Drink plenty of plain water and juice, not aerated, coffee and tea. Do not drink alcohol and, preferably, do not smoke. At least for the treatment of acne.
You need to follow all rules of hygiene, constantly clean the face with water, and once a day with a mild anti-bacterial sweet. Instead of water, you can use the decoction of chamomile, mother and stepmother, St. John's wort, mint, calendula. Of them also make ice cubes and rub their face in the morning. Meltwater have a different structure than usual and more useful for the skin. Better use for wiping towels from soft natural fabrics that would not further irritate the skin. Do not use drying remedies, tonics and lotions are based on alcohol. Doctors often recommend slurry treatment of problem areas which includes antibiotics, salicylic acid and sulfur. Inside as a tablet based on the sulfur with optional inclusion of zinc and vitamin A. This permits rapid healing and regeneration of defects.
Favored by the skin condition affects massage. Use your fingertips to make a circular motion and light tapping, which improves blood circulation. Also, as a medical procedure used galvanotherapy. It is the use of permanent (galvanic) current small force and tension. It stimulates the trophic and regulatory functions of the nervous system, improves blood circulation and lymph flow. With the same purpose, you can use laser therapy.
When acne is useful to sunbathe and even for therapeutic purposes, to visit the solarium. But, to prevent burns need to use special protective gear. It is advisable not to use decorative cosmetics or choose a quality that is not littered skin pores.
During puberty, the body begins the active hormonal changes and increases the amount of testosterone. Which stimulates the production of sebum. It is a natural protective lubricant for our skin. However, an excessive amount thereof occludes the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, resulting in inflammation.
Acne is an inherited disease. Some people have very sensitive skin receptors for testosterone and even with normal blood concentrations they develop skin lesions. If such a problem occurs in 20 - 25 years, it may be associated with diseases of the ovaries, thyroid or adrenal glands.
There are several types of acne: acne (pimple), abscess (pustules), eel with a white head (s) and eel with black head (s). Perhaps a combination of all these species in one person. As a complication, can develop abscessed and abscess acne.
In any case you can not squeeze acne, it is difficult to do correctly, and get complications - easily. Acne treatment is the use of both internal and external means. It is important to follow the diet and the way to cleanse the body. Exclude from the diet of sweet pastries, cakes products, it is best to get carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits and cereals. For some time, it should minimize the reception of milk, sour cream, cottage cheese. You can use yogurt, low-fat yogurt and yogurt. Fatty foods only increase the production of sebum. Therefore, they should be deleted. Can a small amount of oily sea fish. Avoid spicy, fried and smoked food. Drink plenty of plain water and juice, not aerated, coffee and tea. Do not drink alcohol and, preferably, do not smoke. At least for the treatment of acne.
You need to follow all rules of hygiene, constantly clean the face with water, and once a day with a mild anti-bacterial sweet. Instead of water, you can use the decoction of chamomile, mother and stepmother, St. John's wort, mint, calendula. Of them also make ice cubes and rub their face in the morning. Meltwater have a different structure than usual and more useful for the skin. Better use for wiping towels from soft natural fabrics that would not further irritate the skin. Do not use drying remedies, tonics and lotions are based on alcohol. Doctors often recommend slurry treatment of problem areas which includes antibiotics, salicylic acid and sulfur. Inside as a tablet based on the sulfur with optional inclusion of zinc and vitamin A. This permits rapid healing and regeneration of defects.
Favored by the skin condition affects massage. Use your fingertips to make a circular motion and light tapping, which improves blood circulation. Also, as a medical procedure used galvanotherapy. It is the use of permanent (galvanic) current small force and tension. It stimulates the trophic and regulatory functions of the nervous system, improves blood circulation and lymph flow. With the same purpose, you can use laser therapy.
When acne is useful to sunbathe and even for therapeutic purposes, to visit the solarium. But, to prevent burns need to use special protective gear. It is advisable not to use decorative cosmetics or choose a quality that is not littered skin pores.
Tips for fixing an annoying breath.
20 g herb St. John's wort infuse vodka 1 cup (200 g) and 100 g of alcohol per week, and then diluted with water. Also removes bad breath.
Three tablespoons of mint in the evening to put in a thermos and pour three cups of boiling water. In the morning drain, divide into 4 portions and taken an hour before meals.
Three tablespoons of rowan twigs put in an enamel pot and pour three cups of cold water. Put on low heat and let simmer under the lid closed for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, let stand 30 minutes. Strain and drink throughout the day.
One of Art. Spoon the crushed root mountaineer snake to 1 cup of boiling water: boil for 20 minutes, to insist, wrapped, for 30 minutes, drain. Rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day for toothache, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, with stomatitis, halitosis.
A tablespoon of oak bark to put in an enamel pot and pour a glass of cold water. Put on low heat and let simmer for 15 minutes, the lid closed. Remove from heat, drain. The broth used for rinsing the mouth.
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20 g herb St. John's wort to insist in striae 1 tbsp cloves from the evening to put in a thermos and pour three cups of boiling water. In the morning drain, divide into 4 portions and taken an hour before meals.
Three tablespoons of mint in the evening to put in a thermos and pour three cups of boiling water. In the morning drain, divide into 4 portions and taken an hour before meals.
Three tablespoons of rowan twigs put in an enamel pot and pour three cups of cold water. Put on low heat and let simmer under the lid closed for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, let stand 30 minutes. Strain and drink throughout the day.
One of Art. Spoon the crushed root mountaineer snake to 1 cup of boiling water: boil for 20 minutes, to insist, wrapped, for 30 minutes, drain. Rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day for toothache, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, with stomatitis, halitosis.
A tablespoon of oak bark to put in an enamel pot and pour a glass of cold water. Put on low heat and let simmer for 15 minutes, the lid closed. Remove from heat, drain. The broth used for rinsing the mouth.
Cervical erosion
Cervical erosion - is a benign disease process, which is based on the structural changes in the vaginal epithelium. Of all the gynecological diseases, this pathology is ranked first and is found in all age groups. Distinguish the true erosion, which does not exist for a long time (1 - 3 weeks), and its origin is difficult to grasp. As
a result of inflammatory reactions are exfoliating the surface layer of
the epithelium, or its rebirth in malignant neoplasms. Therefore gynecologist diagnosed her already as cancer. And the so-called pseudo or ectopia, which occurs in most women. The probability of its transformation into a malignant almost minimal. But if the process is not a long time to diagnose and treat the chances are increasing.
The causes of cervical erosion can be injuries and fractures during childbirth or abortion, inflammatory diseases of the vagina or uterus. In young girls the most common cause is an early onset of sexual activity. Since, the final formation of the vaginal epithelium is completed to 22m years, any external factors can have a negative impact on the process. Whether it be sexual infections (syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes), goiter vagina or just a mechanical impact. Another cause may be the ectopic hormone imbalance and immune disorders, as well as the frequent change of sexual partners.
For most women, the onset of disease goes undetected because they do not care, and detected only on the gynecological chair. When viewed with the help of mirrors doctor discovers the cervix bright red areas damaged epithelium around the outer mouth or covering the entire surface of the cervix. The more time passed from the beginning of the disease, the more of these areas. The most common symptoms of cervical erosion are profuse discharge, discomfort, painful intercourse and bleeding after him, menstrual irregularities. For the diagnosis of erosion than a pelvic exam is used: cytological studies, biopsy and colposcopy. In order to exclude the possibility of malignant transformation of the epithelium.
In the treatment of cervical erosion, there are several methods. It all depends on the stage of the disease, the value of damage and whether or not the woman giving birth. Since after certain procedures, especially in the massive defeat, leaves scars on the neck of the uterus. And in the future rodorozresheniya such patients only occur by cesarean section. Although all women after treatment of this pathology pregnancy is not recommended until at least two years.
If the parallel erosion of the cervix be an inflammatory process, begin treatment with antibiotic therapy, which would eliminate the infection. When the cause of the erosion may be subject to regress and disappear independently.
The principle of treatment of cervical erosion is that to remove portions of the epithelium altered within healthy tissue. Young and did not give birth in women with a small affected area is used to treat chemical coagulation - to resolve the problem by using a special drug. Also used are: cryotherapy - freezing with liquid nitrogen to the erosion of healthy tissue diathermocoagulation - the same thing only affect electric shock. A relatively new method is raznovolnovaya surgery - using radio waves instead of a scalpel.
The causes of cervical erosion can be injuries and fractures during childbirth or abortion, inflammatory diseases of the vagina or uterus. In young girls the most common cause is an early onset of sexual activity. Since, the final formation of the vaginal epithelium is completed to 22m years, any external factors can have a negative impact on the process. Whether it be sexual infections (syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes), goiter vagina or just a mechanical impact. Another cause may be the ectopic hormone imbalance and immune disorders, as well as the frequent change of sexual partners.
For most women, the onset of disease goes undetected because they do not care, and detected only on the gynecological chair. When viewed with the help of mirrors doctor discovers the cervix bright red areas damaged epithelium around the outer mouth or covering the entire surface of the cervix. The more time passed from the beginning of the disease, the more of these areas. The most common symptoms of cervical erosion are profuse discharge, discomfort, painful intercourse and bleeding after him, menstrual irregularities. For the diagnosis of erosion than a pelvic exam is used: cytological studies, biopsy and colposcopy. In order to exclude the possibility of malignant transformation of the epithelium.
In the treatment of cervical erosion, there are several methods. It all depends on the stage of the disease, the value of damage and whether or not the woman giving birth. Since after certain procedures, especially in the massive defeat, leaves scars on the neck of the uterus. And in the future rodorozresheniya such patients only occur by cesarean section. Although all women after treatment of this pathology pregnancy is not recommended until at least two years.
If the parallel erosion of the cervix be an inflammatory process, begin treatment with antibiotic therapy, which would eliminate the infection. When the cause of the erosion may be subject to regress and disappear independently.
The principle of treatment of cervical erosion is that to remove portions of the epithelium altered within healthy tissue. Young and did not give birth in women with a small affected area is used to treat chemical coagulation - to resolve the problem by using a special drug. Also used are: cryotherapy - freezing with liquid nitrogen to the erosion of healthy tissue diathermocoagulation - the same thing only affect electric shock. A relatively new method is raznovolnovaya surgery - using radio waves instead of a scalpel.
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