Monday, June 17, 2013

Purifying Mask of dandelion and chamomile for problem skin 
Many young people are concerned about acne, blackheads, oily sheen, so the youth facial skin requires special care, especially in the summer. Proper care will help to make young skin clean and fresh, it does not necessarily engage the services of beauty salons, it is possible to do the people's means-tested.
Care for the skin must at any age and it is important to observe particular care for every age group and skin type. The main steps in the care of young and problem skin is cleansing, toning and moisturizing.

Facial cleansing is the most important step in caring for the young and problem skin. Regularly cleaning the skin can significantly reduce the number of juvenile acne, get rid of blackheads and oily sheen.
To cleanse the skin is well suited mask of dandelion and chamomile with the addition of tea tree oil and rapeseed oil.
Dandelion leaves contain vitamin C, P, B vitamins, lots of macro and micronutrients. Contained in the juice of the leaves has a powerful cleaning action removes dead skin cells, improves skin tone and elasticity of the skin, improves the process of cell regeneration.
Chamomile has a soothing and antibacterial effect, reduces irritation, softens the skin and matting.
Rapeseed oil is rich in vitamin E, which is an excellent antioxidant, helps to eliminate toxins.
Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties are well-defined, well-prevents acne, pimples.
To prepare the mask 30 g of fresh dandelion leaves cut in a grinder or blender, grind, add a tablespoon of canola oil and decoction of chamomile flowers (5 g per 200 ml of water) and 2 drops of tea tree oil. The mask is applied on the face (except the lips and eyelids) for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water, then wipe the face of the remaining broth chamomile.

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