Friday, June 21, 2013

Tea made from dandelions against joint pain

Чай из одуванчиков против боли в суставахJoint pain can be very debilitating and interfere with daily life. Although the causes of joint pain are different, often the cause is inflammation of the tissues around. One of the most useful plants to get rid of the pain in the joints - dandelion. It's not just weed, based on it can be useful to prepare herbal tea that will not only relieve joint pain, but also improve the overall health of the body.1. Look for dandelions, not treated with pesticides and other chemicals. These are growing in fields, meadows or in your own backyard. Dandelions growing on the side of the road, have absorbed the gas polluted air, and are not suitable for treatment. If your location does not grow dandelions, it is better to buy a plant in the pharmacy. For one cup of tea you will need about 5 dandelion flowers. Wash the cut flower heads in cold water.
2. Place the flower heads in a pan and pour enough water to float freely flowers. You will get one or two cups of tea.
3. Put on the stove and cook dandelion flowers in boiling water for 20 minutes.
4. Strain the broth obtained dandelion and pour into a cup. Flowers throw all the necessary nutrients already switched to tea. For sweets can add stevia and lemon - to taste. Drink this tea every time you experience pain in the joints.

- If you compile dandelions, cut as many heads as you need for one serving of tea. Dandelion must be fresh, then the content of useful substances is maximized.
- If you have prepared more tea than you can have a drink at a time, put the leftovers in the fridge and drink later.
- Dandelion tea may be prepared not only from flowers, but also from the plant roots.
- If you are taking any medications, ask your doctor whether you can drink tea made from dandelions, because it can neutralize or modify the action of drugs.

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