Friday, June 21, 2013

Indian onions - your faithful assistant and physician

 Индийский лук - ваш верный помощник и лекарь
Indian onions already managed to get a window sill fans of indoor plants. It is notable as a plant with unique healing properties. Home healer has become a favorite of many families who prefer to be treated unconventionally. Indian onions heal from sciatica, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, will help with joint pain, get rid of heel spurs and salt deposits.Indian onions - a medicinal plant that grows in pots, sometimes in the ground in warm areas occurs. This plant possesses analgesic and healing properties, but it is used only external means, as it is very poisonous. Before beginning the healing rate should be applied on skin. If no allergic reaction and redness will not easily apply the recipes given below.
1. Finely chop the onion leaves India. We take raw materials and vodka at a ratio of 1:10. Insist about 10 days at the bank of glass and filter through gauze. Rubbed into the joints, apply from sciatica. Good heals and pain relievers.
2. Arrow, a couple of leaves and the bulb itself, cleared of roots, should be finely chopped. In a glass container with a capacity of 1 liter to put ground mixture and pour the vodka. In a dark and cool place such a composition insist about two weeks. The mixture is very helpful from degenerative disc disease, arthritis, treats the accumulation of salts and heel spurs.
3. Crush 1-2 leaves of Indian onions and pour 20 ml of eucalyptus oil (available in pharmacies), add 1/4 cup of ethyl alcohol. Mix and close the jar tightly and keep in a warm place for about a week, occasionally shaking the mixture. A mixture of this has analgesic and thermal qualities. Rub with aching joints, colds, neuralgia.
4. Chop the onions and add 50 ml of olive oil. Such a mushy mixture should be rubbed spine osteochondrosis.
If there is no ready-mix, and need help, you can list the bulb itself or merely cut, crush and apply to the affected area.

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