Monday, June 17, 2013

What to do in a fit of cholecystitis

 Что делать при приступе холецистита
The role of the liver in the body is extremely great! It can accumulate nutrients and then "give" of the body as needed. From its state depends largely on our immune system, as well as the normal activity of the heart, kidneys, and other organs. But the most important thing - the liver protects the body from harmful substances poisoning.Bile, which is produced by the liver cells, is involved in digestion. When there is no food in the stomach, bile is released little. But while eating liver cells begin to actively develop and fill her gall bladder. It is directed from the bile into the intestine. There, she breaks down fats, converting them into soluble compounds that are then absorbed into the lymphatic and circulatory systems. In addition, the bile helps to reduce the bowel muscles (peristalsis), it reduces the fermentation and putrefaction.One of the most dangerous diseases of the gall bladder - cholecystitis. It promotes the emergence of cholestasis caused by biliary dyskinesia, as well as pregnancy, severe stress, excessive physical exertion. Injuries and diseases of the liver and pancreas - also potential sources of cholecystitis.Attack of acute cholecystitis usually develops on the background of chronic or cholelithiasis. The process is fast and often leads to the destruction of the fabric of the walls of the gall bladder. Since its content is saturated pathogens, then getting damaged through the bladder wall into the abdominal cavity, it begins to erode the internal organs therein. Developing peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum), and creates a situation dangerous to life.And the attack begins with the fact that the temperature rises and there is a chill. Cheerleaders should that fever subsides. In this case, immediately call an ambulance.Before the arrival of the doctor, you can take action. Sip slowly drink rather weak, lukewarm tea. Even better - mineral water: sodium hydrogen carbonate-bicarbonate or sodium-chloride, and sulfate may be that there are over the counter. And only at the pharmacy. Neither the store, let alone in a booth to buy mineral water in this case is impossible. Limit your movement. It is better to be in the same position on the right side. Place the tablet under the tongue validola.If there is no way to call a doctor or a "first aid" delayed the arrival, the patient may be given an antibiotic, and the best group of erythromycin. Chloramphenicol is ineffective in this case. A drug derived from penicillin - ampicillin, oxacillin, - considered quite ineffective. Such a preparation, as furazolidone, used with success.

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