Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Cough: causes, types, diagnosis and treatment

Кашель: причины возникновения, виды, диагностика и лечениеWhat is common between asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, whooping cough and common cold? Obviously, all these diseases share one symptom - cough. Wet and dry, occasionally manifesting and constant, tedious and exhausting, depriving the rest and sleep, which causes vomiting and dizziness. All of this cough, which is one of the major defense reactions. Why is there a cough? What does it protect against? Do I have to deal with it and how to do it?Cough - a fairly complex defensive reflex, given the nature. That cough clears the airways of mucus, foreign bodies and dust. In most cases, cough occurs due to irritation of nerve endings which are the respiratory mucosa (bronchi, trachea, larynx). Then the pulse is sent to the cough center and from there goes to the muscles of the larynx, diaphragm, bronchi, the pectoral muscles, the muscles of breast press. To provide increased airway pressure inside the chest muscles contract. At the peak reduction is the opening of the glottis and strong exhalation occurs, accompanied by the sound - this is the cough.
In the cough center receives the pulses and other non-respiratory organs. Nerves that go to the cough center, are also found in the esophagus, stomach, heart, hearing the aisles, the diaphragm and in some segments of the brain. This explains the fact that a cough accompanied by a disease not associated with abnormalities of the respiratory system (diaphragmatic hernia, heart defects). Cough center of the brain controls the bark, so anyone can cough at the right time (random cough). But the cough triggered by illness, sometimes impossible to stop (involuntary cough).

Factors causing coughing

They can be divided into the following groups:
- Inflammatory or allergic (bronchial spasm, inflammation, edema, mucus);- Mechanical (tumor compressing the trachea and bronchi, foreign bodies);- Chemical (chemical exposure, cough as a response to drug therapy);- Thermal (a cough in the cold).

Types of Cough

Cough without phlegm is called dry. It occurs due to irritation of cough receptors foreign bodies and neoplasms, as a consequence of mucosal edema or bronchial spasm. Dry cough is observed in heart defects, pericarditis, in diseases of the outer ear and the nervous system. Typically, dry cough becomes the first symptom of respiratory viral infections, tracheitis, laryngitis and bronchial tumors. Treat dry cough lasting mustard plasters, antitussive drugs, and compresses to the chest.
A cough that is accompanied by sputum is called wet. Cough - is a characteristic manifestation of diseases of the respiratory system. It appears due to the increased production of bronchial secretions (bronchial asthma, bronchitis), a discharge of pus from the cavities (eg, tuberculosis, lung abscess), leakage of blood plasma into the lungs (pulmonary edema). By type of sputum can form a judgment about the nature of the disease: clear phlegm separated in asthma, "rusty" sputum - for pneumonia, purulent - bronchiectasis and lung abscess. Treat cough with tools that reduce the formation of phlegm and promote its expectoration.
Based on the frequency and duration of cough cough distinguish periodic and continuous, paroxysmal cough and cough shock unit. The latter is considered the most dangerous because they can lead to fainting or breathing has stopped.
Depending on the duration of the cough is divided into acute and chronic. Acute - is coughing, there is not more than three months. A common cause of acute cough - respiratory infection. If cough persists for more than three months, then we can talk about a chronic cough. He is the companion of asthma, chronic bronchitis, tumors and malformations of the heart.

Diagnosis and treatment of cough

In many cases, the disease can only be diagnosed by cough (viral respiratory infections, whooping cough), and by listening to the lungs. Based on this information the doctor can already prescribe treatment. Of course, more complex cases involve a comprehensive examination, including instrumental and laboratory methods (spirography, x-ray, ultrasound, bronchoscopy, sputum). Prescribe anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-allergic drugs. Prognosis is usually favorable - along with the illness goes away and cough. Cough can not be ignored, since some diseases accompanied by a cough, are dangerous to the patient's health (tuberculosis). Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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