Monday, June 17, 2013

Do you drink energy drinks?

 А вы пьете энергетические напитки?
Many people have already become addicted to this invigorating drink. His love students, people with heavy physical work, people with weak energy reservoirs. Let's try to figure out how to operate power, what impact have on the body?The use of energy drinks is comparable to the explosion that covers your wave of cheerfulness and enthusiasm, sometimes it seems that instead of a heart innovative heavy duty engine. All this is understandable. A huge dose of caffeine, which is part of Energy provides mental and physical stimulation. During this organism can say shocked. Work on the wear of the heart, stomach and liver in confusion and are trying to identify unknown to them and recycle the components of the drink. People believe that the continued use of these drinks gives them a second wind, but this theory is false.

What is the consequence excessive use of energy?
People with mental disorders should be extremely cautious. The constant use of the stimulating drink was addictive, in case of sudden failure response of the body can be unpredictable.Cores should beware! Caffeine and taurine can raise blood pressure, pulse rate increases significantly, as can remind myself arrhythmia. So, be careful, carried away by this kind of drinks.Effect of an energy drink on the gastro-intestinal tract. Those who adores advertised Coca-Cola, are doomed to become permanent gastroenterologist patients with early worsening of gastritis, since this drink is a solid chemistry. Gastritis younger and spread to the younger generation. On an empty stomach drink energy is strictly prohibited and taurine stimulates the release of hydrochloric acid. People who are at risk of ulcer disease by eating a drink, there can not just go and fly with a whistle. And then a permanent appointment with the gastroenterologist you provided.Dependence on energy is expressed as follows: you feel lack of energy, you need to shake up the body quickly, buy a bottle, drink, then you have a charge of vivacity and energy, then the performance drops dramatically and is replaced by lethargy and apathy. Bottom line: the idea that you need to rest in bed. But no ... Most go for a repeated dose of shock drink. And so the circle.I'm not going to write about the dangers of the mix - alcohol + energetic. This nuclear blend that when used in large quantities can lead to untold consequences. In one case, a friend of mine has used five cans of this potion. We thought at night to call an ambulance, because the heart was beating so hard and fast that fear of death.In modern times with hectic and eternal pursuit, the man pretty exhausting, leaving power, and chronic fatigue fills and covers more and more people in the world. Man, even the well-fed and rested able to feel that his body is not enough to make energy. Therefore, many hooked on the hook for manufacturers of energy drinks that promise incredible boost of energy, that's just the side effects are silent. Proper diet and a healthy lifestyle, the calculation of own resources to help cope with perpetual fatigue. Eat plenty of grain and cereals, vegetables, fruits, walk in the fresh air more often, breathe deeply, allowing better saturate the body with oxygen and you'll be fine!

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