Friday, June 21, 2013

How to overcome the pain in the joints

 Как преодолеть боли в суставах
Recipes of traditional medicine exist because they help people. The results of operations are transferred from generation to generation. They are simple and effective, and so memorable. Use these recipes for recovery.
If you have overcome much pain in the joints, use efficient and friendly advice for their reduction or complete disappearance of your life.

The first recipe from joint pain

You need to purchase chicken eggs do not shop and home. To get started you will need one egg.

Beat 1 egg with a spoon of vegetable oil, no matter what, as long as it has not been refined (purified).

• Add 1.5 tablespoons of acetic acid and mix thoroughly.

Rub in the sore spots after sleep and before going to bed. Before the next clean the previous layer by rubbing with a damp cloth. Joint pain settle down.

The second recipe is from joint pain

On 100 g of alcohol is over 50 g of rosin and mustard powder, egg proteins 6. Ingredients Mix, a little heat and rub the aching joints. The technique of using as the previous recipe.

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