Monday, June 17, 2013

Moisturizing Yogurt Mask

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Hydration is necessary for the skin at any age, especially in the summer. The loss of skin moisture may cause loss of tone, early skin aging and wrinkling.

To moisten the skin problem is perfectly yogurt mask. This mask can be used for any type of skin hydration.

To prepare the mask in 2-3 tablespoons of plain yogurt (yogurt is better to prepare yourself of dry yeast) svezhvyzhatogo add a teaspoon of aloe juice (or 1 vial of aloe), and 2-3 drops of essential oil of thyme (can substitute for oil of rosemary). The mask is applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes.

Yogurt mask moisturizes, gives skin a matte, normalizes the sebaceous glands. Due to the essential oil of thyme mask fine disinfects and prevents acne.

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