Monday, June 17, 2013

Traditional methods of treatment of ovarian cysts

 Народные методы лечения кисты яичников
This article describes the causes of ovarian cysts. Naturally, part of the traditional methods of treating the disease rather tinctures, and ointments.Cyst - a benign education, which is a cavity with fluid.
The causes of cysts are still not fully understood, but with full confidence we can say that a hormone imbalance plays a small role in the event of a cyst.
Treatment of cysts can be:- Surgery;- Medication;- Or the use of folk remedies.
Let's look at traditional therapies:

1. Tincture of wormwood.To prepare the tincture take a tablespoon of sage stone or bitter, a teaspoon of birch buds, one aloe leaf (finely chopped), red hot peppers. These ingredients are necessary to insist on the floor liter of vodka to 10 days, then strain. Drink the medicine on a table spoon 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. Before use a tablespoon of tincture diluted in 3 spoons of water.

2. Ointment.Ointment is prepared in an enamel pot. It is necessary to pour a glass of vegetable oil, put a piece of beeswax (a piece of a matchbox). Place the dish on the fire and make sure that the wax would melt. In this dish to add half a boiled egg yolks, stir and remove from heat. Infused cream for 10-15 minutes. Current ointment moistened tampons are inserted into the vagina, and two times daily, leaving them for 2 hours. Rate - 10 days.

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