Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How to remove a double chin?

This unpleasant phenomenon of the double chin, usually seen in people who are overweight, and with weak muscles of face and neck. To ugly chin spoiled your looks to the future, start to take preventive measures now. How to remove a double chin or prevent its occurrence?First of all, you should adjust your diet and if necessary, take weight loss. To do this, you need to limit the amount of sweet and pastry dishes, because they are immediately transformed into fat, which, including delayed and face. It will not hurt and do sports. So you will gradually get rid of fat deposits in the body, parallel to lose weight and face. After the disappearance of fat on the chin should take care to maintain turgor and elasticity of the muscles in this area. To do so regularly do a special set of exercises.Как убрать второй подбородок?
Use a few simple exercises to eliminate double chin. Zaprokinte head back and "do some work" jaws, as if you are something to chew. In this tense muscles located under the lower jaw and neck muscles. To chew about a minute.The next exercise is done sitting on a chair and clasped his hands with the edge of the seat opposite sides. Tilts her head back and open your mouth at the same time as much as possible. Do this at least 20 times.How to remove a double chin?
Helps reduce double chin chin slaps on the bottom back of his hand. The intensity of the spanking is to gradually build up and perform regularly for 2 minutes several times a day.
Exercise while lying on his back, carried out in such a way: lift your head slightly (about 3-5 cm from the floor, then turn your head around, back of the head is not in contact with the floor. Doing this exercise should be no less than 20 times.
Taking this as a starting position, nod 20 times back and forth, back of the head without touching the floor.
The regular performance of these exercises will allow you to achieve excellent results and to forget about the second chin.

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