Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Derivation of acne and pimples

Acne - is an inflammatory skin disorder that begins at puberty and, most often, with him and ends. But for some people this is a problem in adulthood. What brings considerable discomfort and affects the quality of life.
During puberty, the body begins the active hormonal changes and increases the amount of testosterone. Which stimulates the production of sebum. It is a natural protective lubricant for our skin. However, an excessive amount thereof occludes the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, resulting in inflammation.
Acne is an inherited disease. Some people have very sensitive skin receptors for testosterone and even with normal blood concentrations they develop skin lesions. If such a problem occurs in 20 - 25 years, it may be associated with diseases of the ovaries, thyroid or adrenal glands.
There are several types of acne: acne (pimple), abscess (pustules), eel with a white head (s) and eel with black head (s). Perhaps a combination of all these species in one person. As a complication, can develop abscessed and abscess acne.
In any case you can not squeeze acne, it is difficult to do correctly, and get complications - easily. Acne treatment is the use of both internal and external means. It is important to follow the diet and the way to cleanse the body. Exclude from the diet of sweet pastries, cakes products, it is best to get carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits and cereals. For some time, it should minimize the reception of milk, sour cream, cottage cheese. You can use yogurt, low-fat yogurt and yogurt. Fatty foods only increase the production of sebum. Therefore, they should be deleted. Can a small amount of oily sea fish. Avoid spicy, fried and smoked food. Drink plenty of plain water and juice, not aerated, coffee and tea. Do not drink alcohol and, preferably, do not smoke. At least for the treatment of acne.
You need to follow all rules of hygiene, constantly clean the face with water, and once a day with a mild anti-bacterial sweet. Instead of water, you can use the decoction of chamomile, mother and stepmother, St. John's wort, mint, calendula. Of them also make ice cubes and rub their face in the morning. Meltwater have a different structure than usual and more useful for the skin. Better use for wiping towels from soft natural fabrics that would not further irritate the skin. Do not use drying remedies, tonics and lotions are based on alcohol. Doctors often recommend slurry treatment of problem areas which includes antibiotics, salicylic acid and sulfur. Inside as a tablet based on the sulfur with optional inclusion of zinc and vitamin A. This permits rapid healing and regeneration of defects.
Favored by the skin condition affects massage. Use your fingertips to make a circular motion and light tapping, which improves blood circulation. Also, as a medical procedure used galvanotherapy. It is the use of permanent (galvanic) current small force and tension. It stimulates the trophic and regulatory functions of the nervous system, improves blood circulation and lymph flow. With the same purpose, you can use laser therapy.
When acne is useful to sunbathe and even for therapeutic purposes, to visit the solarium. But, to prevent burns need to use special protective gear. It is advisable not to use decorative cosmetics or choose a quality that is not littered skin pores.

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