Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Five vegetable poisons diet

The fact that plant poisons exist, we know from school lessons on the history and biology. Tincture of buttercups regaled his enemies Marie de Medici and the French prosecutor named de Broe in 1823 expressed serious concern over the fact that the murder with the help of plant poisons is the perfect crime, which is open at all unrealistic. Today, the assurances of nerds are more than 10,000 different species of poisonous plants, many of which grow in the middle lane.However, until recently, we hardly pay attention to the fact that vegetable poisons are often in some of the dishes that we devour delicious for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Next, we elaborate on some of the toxic substances, consider in what products they may be detained and what symptoms of poisoning manifested by some toxin. So.
Vegetable venom number 1: solanine.Five vegetable poisons dietSolanine - an alkaloid, which is produced in all parts of the plant family Solanaceae. Of course, everyone knows that black nightshade - the plant is poisonous and is not used as food. But the other plant of this family is a frequent and favorite guest in the kitchen, part of the daily menu. We are talking about potatoes. Solanine, entering the human body, can cause severe headaches, abdominal pain and indigestion, fever and dizziness, and even delirium of varying severity. It all depends on the dose. Solanine contained in each potato tubers only minimal dose. But in the green with the same potato tuber of this toxic substance increases dramatically and may no longer committed to pass unnoticed.

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