Friday, June 21, 2013

Treatment of skin diseases in folk medicine

Girl  from varicella 
Skin diseases whose cause pustular infection, fungal, viral lesions - are common. The inflammatory process can affect not only the superficial layers of the skin, but also to spread deeper. Apart from the usual hygiene procedures, symptomatic treatment of skin diseases can have great help and preparations of traditional medicine.

Inflammation of the skin, such as sores, ulcers, eczema cure grated radish, mush of which is applied to the affected skin for 20 minutes.

Well as in the treatment of skin diseases in folk medicine bandage from the head of garlic pulp and 50 grams of honey is applied to sores.

Aloe juice or fresh leaves have a beneficial effect on burns, venous ulcers and purulent inflammations. Applied as a compress to the affected area.

Take 25 grams of grass marsh rosemary and pour 1 liter of boiling water in a thermos for 8-10 hours. Drink 1/3 cup 4 times a day with eczema.

To cleanse the blood in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases of the skin well to this herbal: mix 15 grams of flowers of cornflower and grass succession, with 10 grams of marigold flowers, walnut leaves, nettle leaves, horsetail grass, 20 grams of herb Viola tricolor, 10 grams grass veronica. Take 4 tablespoons of this mixture, pour 1 liter of water, leave for the night and in the morning boil and strain. Drink the infusion for 1 day in 5 receptions, a course of treatment - one and a half months.
2 tablespoons bean trefoil pour 1 cup boiling water and infuse 40 minutes, then strain. Used in the form of lotions and washes with trophic ulcers.
Buckthorn oil lubricate the affected skin with skin diseases.

Fresh leaves of walnut, you must first depart on a smooth surface to the point where one starts to separate the juice and apply to wounds and boils.

A good effect in the treatment of diseases of the skin and also give a fresh leaf clover drug which is necessary to apply ground to a suppurating wound.

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