Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cervical erosion

Cervical erosion - is a benign disease process, which is based on the structural changes in the vaginal epithelium. Of all the gynecological diseases, this pathology is ranked first and is found in all age groups. Distinguish the true erosion, which does not exist for a long time (1 - 3 weeks), and its origin is difficult to grasp. As a result of inflammatory reactions are exfoliating the surface layer of the epithelium, or its rebirth in malignant neoplasms. Therefore gynecologist diagnosed her already as cancer. And the so-called pseudo or ectopia, which occurs in most women. The probability of its transformation into a malignant almost minimal. But if the process is not a long time to diagnose and treat the chances are increasing.
The causes of cervical erosion can be injuries and fractures during childbirth or abortion, inflammatory diseases of the vagina or uterus. In young girls the most common cause is an early onset of sexual activity. Since, the final formation of the vaginal epithelium is completed to 22m years, any external factors can have a negative impact on the process. Whether it be sexual infections (syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes), goiter vagina or just a mechanical impact. Another cause may be the ectopic hormone imbalance and immune disorders, as well as the frequent change of sexual partners.
For most women, the onset of disease goes undetected because they do not care, and detected only on the gynecological chair. When viewed with the help of mirrors doctor discovers the cervix bright red areas damaged epithelium around the outer mouth or covering the entire surface of the cervix. The more time passed from the beginning of the disease, the more of these areas. The most common symptoms of cervical erosion are profuse discharge, discomfort, painful intercourse and bleeding after him, menstrual irregularities. For the diagnosis of erosion than a pelvic exam is used: cytological studies, biopsy and colposcopy. In order to exclude the possibility of malignant transformation of the epithelium.
In the treatment of cervical erosion, there are several methods. It all depends on the stage of the disease, the value of damage and whether or not the woman giving birth. Since after certain procedures, especially in the massive defeat, leaves scars on the neck of the uterus. And in the future rodorozresheniya such patients only occur by cesarean section. Although all women after treatment of this pathology pregnancy is not recommended until at least two years.
If the parallel erosion of the cervix be an inflammatory process, begin treatment with antibiotic therapy, which would eliminate the infection. When the cause of the erosion may be subject to regress and disappear independently.
The principle of treatment of cervical erosion is that to remove portions of the epithelium altered within healthy tissue. Young and did not give birth in women with a small affected area is used to treat chemical coagulation - to resolve the problem by using a special drug. Also used are: cryotherapy - freezing with liquid nitrogen to the erosion of healthy tissue diathermocoagulation - the same thing only affect electric shock. A relatively new method is raznovolnovaya surgery - using radio waves instead of a scalpel.

1 comment:

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