Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sinusitis. Treatment for sinusitis at home

лечение гайморита народными средствами, отзывыSinusitis is an inflammation that develops in the maxillary sinuses, and often a complication of the common cold, influenza, scarlet fever, measles and other infectious diseases. Acute sinusitis is accompanied by formation of pus in the nasal sinuses and proceeds with a high temperature and a pronounced soreness.Causes and symptoms of sinusitisAs an infectious disease, sinusitis is caused by the penetration of bacteria into the sinuses and their active reproduction. The result of vital activity of these bacteria is an acute inflammatory process.Factors contributing to the development of the disease are:- Allergic and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;- A weakened immune system;- Violations of the anatomical structure of the nasal cavity.The most common symptoms of sinusitis - this is pain in the sinuses, nasal congestion, runny nose, with the formation of abundant mucous or purulent discharge. Also, the disease is accompanied by increased body temperature and condition of increased weakness and fatigue. Because the symptoms of sinusitis in adults are identical manifestations of acute respiratory viral infections, diagnosis of the disease may be out of time, which complicates treatment. That is why the very first signs of sinusitis in adults should be an occasion for a thorough examination.Treatment for sinusitisConventional medicine offers outpatient treatment of sinusitis in which the patient carried out a series of procedures to facilitate the removal of pus from the nasal sinuses and the relief of the inflammatory process. In patients administered as medicaments and drugs antipyretics having vasoconstrictor activity.In the acute phase of the disease, when the question of how to cure sinusitis quickly and efficiently is the most relevant, the treatment with paraffin, iontophoresis with antibiotics, inhalation and microwave therapy. In particularly difficult cases, when the outflow of pus is complicated due to the inflammation of the mucous, spend a sinus puncture and placement of the catheter.Treatment for sinusitis at homeTraditional medicine also provides an answer to the question of how to treat sinusitis. One of the most effective ways to eliminate the symptoms of the disease are washing the nasal cavities with the use of decoctions and infusions of herbs. One of the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents with which treatment of sinusitis conducted in the home, is an herb Hypericum which brewed and used as washing cavities and oral.To warm up to the area of ​​the sinuses impose packs of clay, diluted with warm water. This procedure can be done only after consultation with your doctor, because in some cases the warming may be contraindicated.To reduce inflammation during periods of exacerbation used such folk remedies for sinusitis, as bay leaf decoction or yarrow. Of those made packs, which are superimposed on the sinus area until improvement. Help to achieve a good result herbal supplements to cleanse the nasal cavity, which include vegetable oils of eucalyptus. These funds help to relieve congestion of the nasal mucosa and open channels in order to build up in the sinuses of mucus was free to depart.It is said that the treatment of sinusitis folk remedies must be accompanied by an appeal for qualified medical help. This will not only prevent the onset of inflammation, but also to avoid any complications.Sinusitis in ChildrenTypically, sinusitis in children is either infectious nature or is a complication after a long cold. There is a misconception that does not require a cold treatment, as after a certain time goes by itself. In fact, sinusitis in children as time and is the result of such negligence on the part of adults. Therefore, when a cold is necessary to provide the child a full comprehensive treatment aimed at relief of the inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract and facilitate excretion accumulates in the sinus mucus.Even if the treatment does not go runny nose, nasal congestion and getting stronger, then why not go to the doctor and be tested for sinusitis. You should be especially vigilant in cases where a child under the nose breathing is difficult, complaining of a headache and his body temperature is kept above the level of 37 degrees.Sinusitis in pregnancyAny disease woman expecting baby is born, is a threat both for herself and for her fetus. Is no exception, and sinusitis during pregnancy, which in this period not only requires prompt diagnosis, but also qualified treatment.Because pregnant women are contraindicated almost all of drugs, most commonly used for the treatment of folk remedies for sinusitis: washing decoction of herbs, compresses, physical therapy procedures. The main principle of treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy is safe for the unborn child, so any therapeutic procedure should be carried out under the supervision of experts.Despite the fact that modern medicine, both medical and popular, offers a lot for the treatment of sinusitis, you should not lightly to the disease. Without treatment, the disease can be trained to a chronic form, which gives the exacerbation periods of weakened immunity. It is therefore timely diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis are so important to a speedy recovery without any untoward effects.

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