Monday, June 17, 2013

Treatment of diseases in a female herbalist

 Лечение заболеваний по-женски лекарственными травами
The article tells about the medicinal plants, herbalists have been successfully used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Of course, the diagnosis in special medical institutions requires that confirm the diagnosis and will not let the disease run. But traditional medicine has not been canceled. There should be careful not to forget about the riches of nature.Nowadays, women are more often first think of a career, and only then think about the family and children. It's not bad, but in the pursuit of material well-being, women often do not pay attention to the fact that somewhere a bit simple, something slightly aches. And as a result - endless queues in gynecological surgeries, a lot of different female genital diseases and a large number of women diagnosed with infertility. But there were times when mothers give birth to healthy children right in the stacks on the field and on the third day after birth again start to work. Why is that? Maybe they were just healthier or is it wise?
The secret is that earlier is not a doctor, but only the nature of women's health care and with the help of folk remedies women to preserve their health for years to come. So why do not we use what gives us the mother land? Is ancestral knowledge completely lost?
There are many herbs that help support women's health and cure of women's diseases. Why should only the Marin root, motherboard (the same oregano), chamomile, melissa, acacia flowers, nettles.
This motherboard is probably the most feminine grass. It is especially useful for women after age 35. With age, the level of female hormones is gradually reduced, and the motherboard contains natural plant hormones that compensate for the shortfall. Do not hurt her and more young girls as normalizes menstruation and eliminates pain, if you have a female sexual disease. This motherboard has anti-inflammatory properties and enhances the smooth muscles of the uterus. The only contraindication - it can not be taken by pregnant because it can cause miscarriage.
Marin root - this is the heavy artillery. Square insist on vodka in a dark place. 0.5 kg of finely chopped root will need 0.5 liters of good vodka. Tincture taken three times a day for 1 tablespoon of chronic inflammation, ovarian cysts, endometritis.
Tea made from acacia flowers should drink when there is a tendency to inflammation, cystitis, and if there are abundant whites (from the genital organs).
If you forgive and start to pull the lower abdomen, which often manifests as female genital disease and is fraught with complications, then come to the aid healing chamomile. You need to prepare a decoction of chamomile flowers and douche 2-3 times a day.
Do not forget about the knowledge that is passed on to us by our ancestors, and there will be no such queues at doctors' offices!

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