Sunday, June 23, 2013

Tuberculosis of the lungs. Symptoms, signs, treatment of tuberculosis folk remedies

Tuberkulez legkihDespite the fact that modern medicine has made great strides in the treatment of many serious diseases, yet remain disease, progressive society, despite all the measures taken. One such disease is tuberculosis of the lungs - infection that affects people of all ages around the world.Specific pathogen causing the disease tuberculosis - the bacterium, known as Koch's bacillus. This microbe can enter the body in different ways - through food or through the damaged mucosa, but most of the infection occurs through airborne droplets during close contact with an already ailing person.Types of pulmonary tuberculosisThe course of the disease can take many forms, depending on the overall resistance of the patient, must initiate therapeutic interventions and other factors. In the presence of small lung lesions, detected by X-ray examination, doctors say about this form of the disease, as the focal tuberculosis of the lungs.In cases where the lungs appear larger lesions to form in these inflammatory infiltrate diagnosed infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis. This form of the disease is accompanied by loss of appetite, exhaustion, fever, cough and high fatigue.Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis at the primary stage, accompanied by a dry cough with little expectoration. There are periods of exacerbation and attenuation of the inflammatory process, but as the infiltrative lung disease are becoming more significant, the patient's condition is serious but stable.Symptoms and signs of tuberculosis in adultsAfter penetrating into the body causative agent of tuberculosis begins to multiply in the lung tissue, causing an active inflammatory process. Already in the early stages of the disease symptoms of tuberculosis in adults include fatigue, abrupt weight loss, excessive night sweats. As the initial signs of tuberculosis in adults do not include a significant increase in body temperature, patients rarely suffer from the heat and fever. Typically, the first signs of pulmonary tuberculosis and also do not include a cough that develops much later - when the lung is extensive. Untreated TB accompany such symptoms as chest pain, coughing up blood, swollen lymph nodes, and others.How is TB?Speaking of TB is transmitted, highlight airborne transmission mode. When talking, coughing and sneezing sick people tubercle bacillus enters the ambient air and for a long time, it remains in suspension. Thus, for the contamination is not mandatory direct contact with a sick person.It is much more rare, but still encountered by infection with tuberculosis is a food when germs enter the body with raw milk from sick cows. Today, however, such cases are extremely rare, so do not affect the overall epidemiological picture.Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosisAt present there are a fairly effective treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis based on an integrated approach. However, not always even with all the necessary therapeutic techniques can achieve positive dynamics. This is due to the fact that seeking medical help often occurs when the patient begins to feel obvious symptoms and signs of tuberculosis, suggesting a significant degree of development of the disease.Traditionally, the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis begins with antimicrobial therapy with a group of special drugs. Duration of these drugs ranges from six months to a year, because the bacteria exhibit high resistance to drugs and was left in the body, even in small amounts, can cause a relapse.To the patient does not become a source of infection of others, hospitalization is recommended throughout the treatment. Some time after the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis is completed, the patient is prescribed a regular clinic attendance and passing examinations.Treatment of tuberculosis folk remediesIn addition to the methods of traditional medicine treatment of tuberculosis can be the people's means. In particular, practitioners recommend that patients walk in the fresh air, drink plenty of milk and grape juice, as well as receiving infusions and decoctions of herbs such as marshmallow, coltsfoot, rosemary and others. All of these activities help to enhance the body resistance, improve skin tone and help to improve the effectiveness of traditional treatment.Folk-line drugs:1. Mix 1:1 by volume horsetail grass juice and red wine. Store in a cool dark place. Take 25-50 grams 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. before eating.2. 50 oz. dry grass bison fragrant pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist in a dark place for 3 weeks, shaking the content filter. Take 25-30 drops with water 3 times a day for 30 minutes. to food as a means of TB.3. In a glass jar to put a layer of slurry from the May plantain leaves, then a layer of sugar or honey, over a layer of pulp plantain leaves and a layer of sugar or honey until you fill the jar. Tightly close the lid and bury it for 3 months in the ground to a depth of 70-80 cm and then dig up the jar, strain the syrup through a multi-layer gauze, tire press. Keep syrup in a boiling water bath for 30 min., Pour into a bottle and store in a cool place. Take 1 tbsp. spoon for 30-40 minutes. before meals with pulmonary tuberculosis. Children to give 1 teaspoon.Prevention of TuberculosisIn the scale of society, tuberculosis prevention is to improve living standards, better medical care and early detection of patients with a risk for the environment. As the practice of vaccination against tuberculosis, the presence of vaccination is no guarantee that the disease does not occur, but only makes it easier for her.Once in the body so that the infection does not become the cause of the disease, it is necessary to lead a healthy life, take care of strengthening the immune system, the right to organize, diet and rest. It is also recommended to pass the annual examination in order to timely detect the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the body.In conclusion, we can say that the need for vaccination and an annual survey of tuberculosis confirmed by the rapid pace of disease spread. So do not neglect any one of the preventive measures to carelessness on their own not to become hostage to this dangerous and intractable disease.

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