Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Contact Lenses: care and safe carrying

Contact lenses are very popular today. Currently, about 125 million people use them. Many prefer to use the lens, because they want to have a natural vision, which is not limited to frame eyeglass frames. There are many types of contact lenses, which differ in their purpose and characteristics: color lenses, multifocal, fancy, decorative, and many others.Colored contact lenses are very popular to use, because they contain ophthalmic agent that is increasingly in demand in the community. These devices help a person to change his image, and eye color. They have a decorative and practical function. As well as struggling with the ophthalmic lens abnormalities and have the ability to train the eye muscles after surgery. Such lenses are usually made for people who suffer from myopia. But who suffers from hyperopia can also get the goods to order.Contact Lenses: care and safe carryingКонтактные линзы: уход и безопасное ношение

In order to enable you to independently carry out a safe cleaning lenses, scientists have come up with special peroxide system. Peroxide systems for cleaning the lenses do not contain preservatives and provide an effective sanitizing effect. These technologies significantly extend the life of your lenses and reduce the risk of redness of eye muscles during extended wear.
Peroxide systems contain hydrogen peroxide, and also includes a group of oxidizing systems. Most hydrogen concentration is 3%. Also, the system includes a converter that lets you convert hydrogen peroxide into eye-safe neutral solution. This solution eliminates all microorganisms and toxic ion splits peroxide and hydroxyl radicals.
You can also use a variety of solutions for contact lenses. After all, they will be able to retain the material of your product and protect the eyes from damage and various microbes.

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