Tuesday, June 18, 2013

We treat bronchitis in children

 Лечим бронхит у детейBronchitis give your child plenty of fluids. Appetite for no disease, so cook fresh fruit drinks, fruit drinks and other beverages that contain a lot of vitamins.
Most often in young children occurs bronchitis. This is one of the most frustrating diseases: the child suffers a cough, he cut his throat in pain and has no appetite. Usually when doctors prescribe antibiotics such illness. Before taking them to the effective use of prescription bronchitis in children.


• Made of strong fresh onion bulbs to squeeze the juice, previously rubbed her;

mixed in the same amount of honey, how much juice came from the bow;

The resulting tool before applying diluted with water in equal proportions.

Before each use, make a fresh drug and drink it to 3 times a day for 1 teaspoon about 3-4 days, that is until it is visible relief. With this tool, you can even treat bronchitis in children in the severe stage.

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