Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Adenoma of the prostate

Disorders of sexual function and urination, often associated with an enlarged prostate (BPH), a serious disease of men who not only darkens life, but often threatens her.
Blame-small in size, but important in the lives of men the prostate (prostatitis), which plays an essential role in the formation of sexual function and has a direct relation to the functions of urination. She is involved in the formation of hormonal providing sexual desire and full erection, produces one of the components of semen. Not surprisingly, even in young men and stagnant inflammatory disease of prostate disorders are often accompanied by sexual desire and erection. Violation of the same urination is due to the typical arrangement of cancer. It covers the posterior urethra and tight to the neck of the bladder, as if propping up his bottom. Therefore, increasing it inevitably leads to compression and reconfiguration of the urethra and bladder neck and constant irritation. This forms the main manifestations of benign prostatic hyperplasia - difficulty and frequent urination.
It is believed that the adenomatous proliferation (or hyperplasia) in the prostate can be found at 4-5th decade of life, and on the 7-8th top ten they are almost all men. However, the ill effects are observed only at the half, and requiring removal of benign prostatic hyperplasia - at 10-15 percent. In the course of the disease is clearly visible staging. Usually there are three stages.
The first stage of benign prostatic hyperplasia
It can be characterized as a step of stimulation. There are the first signs of trouble in passing urine. There is nocturia - the need for urination during the night, which did not exist. In this case, it is usually difficult - the patient can not immediately begin urination, forced to wait. The same pattern is observed in the morning, the first urination. There is some sluggishness stream of urine, spraying it, it becomes less manageable, little is subject to straining. All these effects are worse after drinking alcohol, cooling, constipation, fluid overload. At this stage of benign prostatic hyperplasia bladder through increased muscle work still coping with emptying, there is no residual urine.
The second stage of benign prostatic hyperplasia
Characterized by a growing dysfunction of the bladder. Urine flow even more thinner and weaker, decreasing its parabolic focus, it is becoming increasingly unmanageable sheer look. Urination, especially at night and in the morning, performed in several stages. There is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, residual urine appears to 100-150 ml, begin to develop chronic, as yet incomplete urinary retention. Nocturia increases to 3-4 times a night and more, becomes more frequent daytime urination, urgency can achieve the degree of incontinence. At this stage of adenoma can already join the secondary symptoms associated with exposure to the kidneys (thirst, dry mouth). You can already detect renal dysfunction until signs of kidney failure.
The third stage of benign prostatic hyperplasia
Increases bladder decompensation. Urine stream steep, often urination occurs drops. Residual urine reaches 400-500 ml may develop full chronic urinary retention. The bubble is stretched to the limit, almost not reduced, urine flows out drop by drop, without the urge, as from the overcrowded vessel (so-called. Paradoxical incontinence). Compounded by secondary symptoms associated with further deterioration of renal function, dry mouth, thirst. At this stage, quite often the symptoms of inflammation of the bladder and kidney (cloudy urine, blood in the urine, cramps and pain during urination, fever, chills), and bladder stones (pain at the end of urination, "jamming" of urine).
Duration of individual stages of prostate adenoma is different - from several months to several years - and depends on many factors: the nature of the regime and nutrition, and general motoring etc. The main danger to the health and life does not arise from the most adenoma (hyperplasia), and of those terrible complications that arise in the urinary tract.
Treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia
In constructing the scheme of prostatic adenoma must proceed from the fact that the radical methods of conservative treatment is not. There is no convincing evidence that any of the suggested equipment can reduce the size of adenomas, or at least stop its growth. A more reasonable view that most of the funds has non-specific effect, reducing swelling of glands, improving the function of the bladder. However, we must proceed from the fact that only 10-15 percent of all patients who have symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia, undergo surgery.

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