Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hair Loss Treatment

The problem of breakage and hair loss bothers women all over the world. After all, beautiful and healthy hair - is an essential attribute of female beauty. Hair loss may suffer not only men, but also a large percentage of women. However, the fair sex, this problem is much easier to treat. Many causes of hair loss.
Hereditary predisposition (androgenetic alopecia) - a disease that affects women older than 50 years. Since it is determined by genes, it is difficult to treat.
Very often, with the onset of menopause is also a problem of hair loss. This is due to a low content of female hormones.
During pregnancy, the body is a metabolic adjustment, changing the way splitting and absorption of food. Most of the nutrients supplied to the fetus. In addition to hair loss in women are beginning to flake and break nails, there are problems with the skin. After giving birth, everything falls into place and stops hair loss.
The most common cause of hair loss is stress, physical and emotional overload. Hair problems appear some time after the action of the stress factor. Therefore, this factor is most difficult to establish.
The condition of our skin, hair, teeth and nails depends on our diet. Many women in the pursuit of the ideal weight, pace yourself strict diet. They live on a lean diet and the body are not available nutrients and vitamins. That can not affect the condition of hair as well.
Generally, all types of hair loss, with the exception of inheritance, easy to medical treatment. Easy enough to identify the disease. To look at the hair becomes dull, whipped and fall. A healthy person during the day to lose 100 hair cores, which is completely normal and does not indicate pathology. If this figure is far more measures should be taken.
For the treatment of hair loss is mainly used external means. Strengthening Shampoo daily use. Balms, conditioners, which make hair soft and help to disentangle. There are special tonics or sprays that can be applied to the hair and does not wash off. They create the hairs around each protective layer, preventing damage. Masks contain nutritional components that are also favorably influences the structure of the hair. But they need to be sure to wash off after 15-20 minutes after application. In addition, you can take a complex of vitamins and minerals specifically designed for problem hair. The pharmacy of such a large number of drugs, so no difficulties can choose the best course.
Since ancient times, there are many popular recipes that help in treating hair loss. Our ancestors were rinsed head decoction of burdock root, chamomile, celandine. Rubbed his head in egg white, wrapped a warm towel and washed off after 30 minutes, rinsing mint. Some women even rinse your hair in such a way. A 2 liter of boiling water was added 2-5 drops of kerosene and rinsed after washing it down. Asserting that a great result not have to wait long. To date, not all the recipes of traditional medicine can be used without harm to health, but a lot of useful there still may be found.
If medicines and folk remedies do not work, and hair continues to fall out, do not despair. You can wear a wig or undergo hair transplant procedure.

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