Sunday, June 23, 2013

Allergies to cats. Causes, symptoms, treatment of allergies to cats folk remedies

Allergija na koshekAmong all other types of allergic reactions, allergy to cats is one of the most common. Many people are not able to communicate with these fun pets, even though a lot of love for them, because the slightest contact immediately causes obvious symptoms of allergies to cats - tearing, irritation of the nose, and others.And even though modern medicine offers a variety of methods of treatment of this disease is not always possible to achieve the desired proof effect.What causes allergic to cats? The reasons ...Some people believe that an allergic reaction to cats is called fur of these animals. That is why those who in spite of that he wants to have in the house of a pet, give birth to the representatives of short-haired breeds - sphinxes and others, and are surprised when the symptoms of an allergy to cats is still emerging.In fact, the reaction is not long hair, although it can be to some extent a source of annoyance. But most of the allergy is caused by other pathogens, in particular:- Proteins that are part of cat urine and saliva;- On dead skin cells and desquamated;- Allergens, who fell to the wool of a cat during her time on the street.Because people suffering from allergies, lowered immunity levels, external stimuli have on them is extremely strong impact. Upon contact with an irritating substance, the body starts to move a defensive response, which manifests itself unpleasant symptoms.Signs of allergy to catsTalking about how to manifest allergic to cats, you should note the following symptoms:- Nasal congestion, runny nose, swelling of the mucous membrane;- Bouts of sneezing;- Tearing and redness of the eyes;- Manifestations of asthmatic reactions - shortness of breath, coughing, shortness of breath;- Redness of the skin, urticaria.All these signs in different people can manifest in different ways: either immediately after contact with the animal, or some time after it. The most dangerous contact with cats for those who suffer from asthma, as even being in the same room with the animal may provoke an attack.Treatments for allergies to catsTheir recommendations on how to cure allergies to cats, provides both traditional and folk medicine. Conventional techniques are associated predominantly with the reception antihistamines capable of blocking the body's response to stimuli. At the same time, patients are encouraged to welcome decongestants because of an allergic reaction, often accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes.In order to cure allergies to cats was most effective, the patient may undergo special testing, during which defined the major allergen. Accordingly, the selected medication drugs prescribed courses of injections that can block the body's response to a stimulus.Since almost all medications have side effects, safer treatment is allergic to cats folk remedies. In particular, traditional medicine recommends this method of treatment is as addictive in the course of which in contact with the allergen the body adapts and ceases to run in the course of defensive reactions. This method, in particular, is very effective for children whose immune system is still developing.Folk remedies for allergies to cats1. Duckweed - a very effective folk remedy for the treatment of allergies. At 0.5 liters of vodka to put 10 teaspoons of fresh duckweed and insist 7 days. Take 15-20 drops 3 times a day, diluted in water.2. Dandelion herb wash and mince, wrap a thick cloth and squeeze. The resulting juice dandelion dilute with water halfway and bring to a boil. This medicine is taken by 3 teaspoons in the morning and in the afternoon for 20 minutes. before eating. But inasmuch as the dandelion is an allergen for some people, in the first 3 days is recommended to drink 1 teaspoon, so check to see if your body's allergic to it. The treatment of 1.5-2 months.3. Herbal allergy to cat fur. Take equal quantities of 10 teaspoons of grass succession beggar, celandine, St. John's wort, sage, chamomile flowers, valerian root and mix. Take 5 Art. spoons of cooked mixture to 1 liter of boiling water. Cook for 10 minutes. Allow 30 min. brew broth, then strain and can add to the bath. You can take a bath every 2-3 days to 10 minutes.Thus, allergic to cats do not necessarily have to be an occasion to give pleasure to communicate with these lovely animals.

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