When lohiometre woman complains of feeling unwell , she has a fever , discharge may be insignificant or even absent. At
a delay of lochia in the uterus , they become favorable breeding ground
for a variety of microorganisms , causing become fetid smell.
Retention of urine - a common postnatal pathology . Women complain that they do not feel the urge to urinate. It may happen, but with difficulty. When the urine reaches the area of fractures in this area felt a burning sensation .
In the development of mastitis goes through three stages: serous inflammation , infiltration and purulent mastitis . Acute onset of the disease . Suddenly puerperal high fever - up to 39 " C. It is chilly , she complains of fatigue, headache and pain in the breast.
The mammary gland is significantly increased in size , with its painful palpation can detect a dense area . Above him skin is usually red and hot to the touch . On the part of the affected glands swollen lymph nodes . They are also very painful.If allowed to progress further disease-causing process , the infiltration goes to fester. In this case , the patient was a high fever with chills and a general state of intoxication. Pain in the breast is sharp, the skin over the affected area has a purple- bluish hue and zybletsya . Purulent mastitis usually proceeds in an abscess which may be superficial or positioned at the very thickness of the breast. In the study of the blood revealed leukocytosis , elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR) .
If cracked nipples woman may experience discomfort or even pain in the nipples.
Postpartum endometritis is manifested by 3 or 4 days after birth. I suddenly puerperal fever . Recorded rapid pulse , insomnia and lack of appetite. On palpation of the uterus is sharply painful and is bigger than it is laid on the 4th day. Evolved lochia muddy , sometimes have an admixture of blood and foul smell.
The disease usually lasts from 8 to 10 days, after which the woman is recovering. At a disadvantage during the infection may spread to the entire body, that is, the process will become generalized .

should be timely to talk about their " cycles ", so that when they
begin (remember that this could happen as early as eight or nine years )
, they would not be too surprising. (
Boys also have to educate , to them it was clear from an early age, why
girls for no apparent reason sometimes become irritable . ) Girls and
boys need to be aware that when girls begin menstruation, after sexual
intercourse may become pregnant .
girls are having sex without proper protection , are at high risk of
pregnancy , as during this period they are most capable of procreation .
might be forced to have sex against their will , or they can have
sexual needs that they can not or do not want to control. Sometimes sex is perceived as another way (perhaps - the only one) to get hugs and caresses.
a teenage girl gets pregnant , there is a difficult problem , because
the way she decides to do, can affect her entire future life .Parents need to mentally prepare ourselves that this can happen. Most
of the girls are afraid to tell their parents that they are pregnant (
and some in the same situation even kicked out of the house). The
only way to avoid tragedies - to provide children ( this includes boys)
with the fullest possible information as early as possible so that they
know more, when their hormones take the upper hand over them . Some parents think it is a very difficult task .
Important for them to realize that perhaps their child is a teenager having sex , just like any other . It
seems to be an obvious truth , but we as parents have a feature not
understand and do not accept the facts , even if they are under our very
noses .
need to report the following : "We do not want to encourage you in sex ,
but if they are, tell us about it early, because the sooner you tell us
about it , the more choices you will have ." For example , some types of contraception are effective up to seventy- two hours after sexual intercourse. They are taken in two doses with an interval of twelve hours. Funds are available in the direction of a physician or a local family planning clinic . There
contraceptives, which when administered within sixty-three days after
intercourse will cause an abortion ( miscarriage fetus). The
girl will feel some discomfort - perhaps even pain ( similar to
menstrual ) when the lining of the uterus is torn away , and with it is
interrupted and the pregnancy itself .
is important that girls teenagers pay attention to the signs suggest
that they are pregnant (in other words, when the cycle is passed , it
may have nausea , chest swell ) . Try
to create an atmosphere in a relationship with her daughter, she wanted
to tell you if she happen to have sex without proper protection .
should find out whether the local health clinic for family planning for
young people, especially if your daughter is less than sixteen . (Currently,
the law allows an extract of contraceptives child under sixteen years
of age , if the doctor is confident in what he does . ) You need to make
sure that your teen-agers know about this clinic - where it is, for
what is - and it provides teenage
contraception ( and advice on abortion ), with their doctor left in the
dark (if they wish ) , and you also do not know anything !It would be nice to post the name and address of the family planning clinic for notes on the board or on the wall. This
will allow the child to avoid moral injury if necessary to inform you
about the pregnancy and can help him to get more help if he gets into
any trouble .

your life was a long-awaited baby , but instead of a joyful smile for
some reason he cries all the time , and you , with good intentions , can
not pull myself together . Today, an increasing number of nulliparous mothers complain about this painful and incomprehensible state. It
has even been called " postpartum depression " and firmly clearly
stated on the pages of medical literature and women's magazines. You
can approach this phenomenon of the world, blaming the environment
surrounding , hormones and serious concerns have come to you along with
motherhood. But let us try to deal with this depression from the Orthodox point of view.So you are preparing for the great event long nine months. You
are , thank God , has successfully resolved the burden and hands you a
prize - a demanding crumb , which publishes the deafening screams for
any occasion. You feel the winner , and the first movement of your soul is waiting enthusiasm and gratitude on the part of neighbors. Stop! Remember these feelings.
Then after a few weeks with a new baby , everything is even more painful in the light . Slower than we would like, there is a restoration of the body after birth. As soon as you valites on the bed to relax a little bit , the child calls you again . Your strength goes faster than you type them . Add to the cocktail fatigue, healing of wounds (cesarean section or perineal sutures ) , memories of childbirth. Add
these everyday experiences together, and by the end of the second week
you will have this notorious depression , and even in what form ?
The physiological background of postpartum depression.
Let's start with the most simple of reasons related to the processes of the female body after childbirth. Postpartum
depression - is a signal that you've exceeded the physical, mental and
emotional capacity to adapt to new conditions, requiring a lot of energy
. But it is also a signal that in the first place , not all is well with your spiritual health , and then take drastic action.
And if there is no one to help , you can hire a housekeeper , for 2-3 times a week is enough . Or talk to her husband , explain the situation to him and ask soft on the untidy apartment and lack of dinner . In any case it is possible to find a compromise between responsibilities at home and your health.
a bad mood can produce irrational activity relatives when her
grandmother, aunt and mother-in- attacking you and excitedly give
"valuable information" to care for a newborn. These assistants will always point you to the error and to impose your experience . Deplorable statistics show that the most hardened advisers - those who least familiar with the reality of children. You may feel that you do not know and do not know how , why literally everything will fall out of your hands . You
need to remember that it is not their , and your child , and the whole
burden of responsibility for any decision lies ultimately on your
shoulders. Even if you have no experience , you have a maternal instinct , and you feel your child better .
The reasons of a spiritual nature .We have examined in detail the common causes of bad mood. But there are deeper feelings that are fraught with grave consequences for the mother , the child and the family. These
include unwanted pregnancy, an insult to her husband and child for any
suffering, dissatisfaction with the limitations of their freedom , the
inability to maintain the old way of life , an inability to live as a
family , sorry for " his beloved " heightened dissatisfaction with their
financial situation , the lack of attention her husband and so n .
From these causes can not be eliminated by taking a pill or visiting a
therapist , as they are completely objective and can not be eliminated.
And yet, a psychologist in some situations would not be superfluous. Sign
up for psychological counseling from an experienced professional
counselor and get advice on how to conduct themselves in this difficult
situation for you .

Advice to pregnant women . Whatever the child was born healthy .
Watch the progress of your pregnancy. Normal pregnancy - a guarantee that your child will be born healthy and strong. See your doctor regularly for a women's clinic for prenatal ( antenatal ) observations .
surveillance or monitoring of pregnancy - is scheduled general medical
examinations, lab tests (such as ultrasound ) that will help you stay
healthy during pregnancy and a healthy baby .
care will help you in time to prevent or control a health problem that
can badly affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn
child. As each trimester ( three months ) of pregnancy is different, with increasing gestational prenatal research are changing.
1st trimester .Although the pregnancy is still invisible to others, you often experience fatigue and mood swings . During this period, it is very important to eat right and because your unborn baby is growing rapidly and intensively . Eliminate the use of alcohol and smoking , do not abuse coffee and strong tea . Eat more fruits , vegetables and dairy products. Consult with your doctor about the most appropriate for this period of vitamins. You need to constantly take vitamin and mineral supplements specifically designed for pregnant women.As
early as possible to identify the disease, which may adversely affect
the course of pregnancy ( eg , such as anemia , diabetes) , you need a
blood test and urine . Contact a doctor if you experience abdominal pain , cramping or bleeding in the extremities .
2nd trimester .In this period of pregnancy becomes noticeable to others. You start gaining weight regularly . Weight gain is in need of constant medical monitoring , so follow the recommendations of your doctor. Every visit to the doctor usually starts with the measurement of body weight and blood pressure. You can go through a special survey to check the position of the fetus in the uterus. This is necessary in order to make sure that the pregnancy is progressing normally .The doctor and nurse will explain to you how to do exercises that strengthen the muscles involved in childbirth . Perform these exercises every day , so that the muscles become stronger . Contact a doctor if you experience abdominal pain, bleeding , or appeared moved amniotic fluid .
more detail, what happens to the pregnant woman and the unborn child at
22 weeks of pregnancy can be found at the women's magazine WomenStyle. Hints and tips on behavior at this important stage of pregnancy.
The third trimester .Your unborn child is growing rapidly , and you will quickly gain weight . Sometimes you may experience pain in the back and legs. To reduce this discomfort , wear comfortable shoes with low heels , support stockings . During a routine medical examination, the doctor will check the position of the fetus in the uterus and its heartbeat. Ask your doctor or nurse how to prepare your breasts for breastfeeding a child. Some additional research will help your doctor plan the safest for you and your baby during childbirth. Contact your physician if regular rhythmic contractions came earlier than the 38th week of pregnancy.

In most cases, formed in girls 28 -30- day menstrual cycle . Sometimes on the establishment of a regular cycle requires several months to 1 year. On
the formation of the menstrual function is strongly influenced by
psycho-emotional condition of the girl , and physical development . Adolescents
, in contrast to adults , it is very easy to respond to disasters
occurring in the world , but the relationships with peers and family may
significantly affect the child's emotional state , including causing
abnormal development of the reproductive system .
One of the important factors affecting the formation of a normal menstrual cycle , are weight and height girls . Body
weight necessary for the formation of the menstrual function is 44-47
kg with height 160 - 163 cm Particularly important is the percentage of
subcutaneous fat in the body of the girl . Proved that the normal menstrual cycle is possible in a weight fraction of approximately 22% fat by weight of the body. By reducing this figure to 10-15 % of body weight menstruation stops.Therefore,
it becomes clear increase in the number of young women with serious
hormonal problems in our time , because the excessive pursuit of weight
loss often goes beyond the bounds of reasonable and lead to serious
disturbances in the reproductive and other systems. However overweight harmful as well as the development of various disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Uncontrolled use of hormones for contraception often leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle. Another thing hormonal drugs for the treatment of pathologies of the menstrual cycle and under strict medical supervision.
Now, with the advent of menstruation body girls are physiologically ready to conceive a child. But we should distinguish between puberty and sexual maturity. By
puberty refers to the ability to provide, to give birth, nourish and
nurture a healthy baby without sacrificing their health . Most of our scientists to determine the age of puberty or after 17-18 years.
, defective ovaries do not respond to their hormonal stimulation , so
the level of estrogen in the blood remains very low. Externally
such girls have the same characteristics as in the form of the central
delay puberty but underdevelopment genitalia generally more pronounced. No , as a rule , and the growth of pubic hair and armpits . In various embodiments, the genetic pathology clinical picture can vary considerably .
Treatment for this form of delayed sexual development should start at the age of 10-12 years. Replacement
therapy is used by female sex hormones , physical therapy , vitamin
therapy , the treatment helps to shape the female figure , to achieve
the appearance of menstruation.
the majority of women with ovarian form of delay sexual development ,
unfortunately, fruitless, and even if as a result of treatment possible
to achieve pregnancy is a risk of having a child with similar problems. Therefore,
when interest in the birth of a child is recommended to perform
prenatal diagnosis with the establishment of the genotype of the fetus.

That the child was healthy and developing properly , it needs to breastfeeding . So the baby gets plenty of useful and necessary materials.Breastfeeding is a big plus for the child. Today I want to give you all the advantages of why the situation is as follows:
1. A
nursing mother is healthier : Breastfeeding helps burn calories ,
reduce the chance of getting cancer of the breast , uterus and ovaries ,
and also protects against osteoporosis.
2 . Small growing healthy. Receiving breast milk , the child gets the best immunity, and therefore will be less sick . Its development is faster because the body is properly formed , consuming the necessary trace elements. A child who drinks breast milk allergy chance to get much less than that of those children who grow up on artificial feeding . The risk of cancer is reduced , and decreases the chance of diabetes . As a result of feeding the baby formed a correct bite . Also among the advantages are: better absorption of calcium , there is a lack of iodine, and a stronger immune system.
3 . Big savings and time. To prepare the mixture , it is necessary to spend some time, and breast milk is always ready. Also, buy an artificial mixture - not a cheap pleasure . Not every family can afford it , unlike breast milk, which is absolutely free, and gifted by nature.
4 . As a result of breastfeeding , the child increases intelligence. Yes, that breast milk promotes rapid maturing of the cerebral cortex . No other milk does not come in handy for this .
5 . The nervous system of the baby is doing well . This is also due to the fact that breast milk has a special substance , which allow to ripen cortex.
As you can see, a lot of pros , so do not give up on what nature has given you .

Foot - is the support of the whole body and man's relationship with the energy of the earth. They are a huge number of nerve endings that connect the surface of the soles with certain organs and systems of the body.
mechanical load on the sole ( while walking , especially barefoot , and
massages ) leads to a balanced activation of the organs of our entire
need only to pull up and get out of bed , as from the soles to all
corners of receiving signals activation , and is only to lie down, the
signals stop.The
presence of reflex zones on the feet tends to suggest that the foot is
somehow linked with the land and are to some extent able to align the
poles and the magnetic field of the person . And healers , not without reason, argued that if a person does not walk barefoot on the ground , it gets energy from the earth. Treatment of many diseases through the foot healers recommend Sebastian Kneipp , Wang and others. Their
recommendations are well known : walking barefoot on wet stones on wet
grass ( with dew, rain or artificially watered with water ) , sand on
the newly fallen snow .The general idea of reflex zones soles we can see in the picture.The good effect of treatment gives shungit walking on pebbles , carrying medical insoles " Piokaly " and " nano- ceramic " .
General recommendations for foot care .
feet warm and clean , timely shave nails , from sweating at night to
wash in a strong solution of soap or a solution of potassium
permanganate , the broth of onion peel , and then paste or grease
Teymurova toothpaste Pomarin , regularly massage the soles of the feet (
walk the earth , pebbles , roll the rollers , etc.) . Useful walk barefoot , putting slippers fresh dandelion leaves , plantain , alder, mother and stepmother . From corns to take salt baths (1 tbsp. Tablespoon to 1 liter of water from 40 ° C). If cracks on the fingers lubricated with castor oil and butter. Spurs use the recommendations from page 130 and the following .Steam
the legs with the addition of soda, and then attach a piece of Kombucha
drink or a compress of the fungus , with spurs on the back or lay hands
compress ( wet woolen cloth in apple cider vinegar and sprinkle with
powdered thyme ), put a compress of fresh crumpled leaves of burdock ,
plantain or mother and stepmother .In
the formation of a solid build-up around the bones (most often on the
chin, ankles ) , if not to take action , can be formed caries . Most
effectively treat these tumors triple pack these places served hot ( of
hay dust , oat straw, with the addition of cottage cheese ) .

Being beautiful means to be successful. Think of famous people. Almost all of them have had excellent or good looks were tight and strong. Many people think that the main reason for this - the availability of money for which they can afford to stay in shape. In
fact , money is not the deciding factor , a much more important factor -
fitness exercises for losing weight which they apply .
Such exercises to date, there is quite a large number . They differ from each other, but all have a common feature - the load on the body and individual muscles .The abdomen is always the problem area , while you are trying to lose weight. However, to correct this area there are certain exercises .
Suggested exercises for weight loss
One such exercise is walking. This exercise is most effective not only for weight loss but for overall health . Of course, it would be better to do this exercise away from the machine and the other blessings of civilization. However , if you have at hand is not such an area , do not worry . All exercises can be done almost without leaving home . If you have a set of stairs , just walk on it for 30 minutes. If you think this is a difficult exercise , you can do the treadmill . Daily sessions of 15 minutes will bring you a huge favor .
Burn fat can contribute and squats . When you squat , your body consumes large amounts of oxygen , which helps burn excess fat. Exercise should start with those at which you would be able to reach the floor with your fingertips . Particularly effective are these squats, if you make in less than 5 minutes, 100 sit-ups .
Can also perform an exercise bike for weight loss . It is very easy : you just need to lie on your back and twist the legs as if you are riding a bike. If you perform this exercise for 15 minutes a day , the result will come very soon in the form of a beautiful figure .

Who does not know the usual onions - routinely used vegetable crops , excellent flavor seasoning for various dishes !But the bow - not only a great seasoning . No less fame enjoyed its healing properties . The famous medieval scholar Ibn Sina (Avicenna ), a thousand years ago wrote about the medicinal properties of onion . The main statements of Ibn Sina modern science has fully confirmed . And in Russian medicine bow has long been considered one of the quickest remedies. Nowadays
, traditional medicine treats baked onions inflamed tumors , boils and
other sores , as well as bluish spots on the face . For these purposes are also compresses and lotions from onions , cooked in milk. Means simple, but it is actively mitigates the tumor and accelerates the ripening of boils . Fresh onion juice reduce warts .It is known that wounds , smeared onion juice , heal quickly . Rubbing this juice relieves pain injuries , softens hardened . Onion compress remove corn, onion pre- weld penetration in the dining vinegar. Traditional medicine appreciates the bow as a stimulant , providing good health. It is believed that the bow enhances hearing and vision . Onion broth is useful for all kinds of rashes . Some fungal diseases , traditional medicine also treats very successful onions.Preparations
of medicinal onions, created on the basis of international experience ,
have become part of our arsenal of domestic medicine .What accounts for these medicinal properties of onion ? Onion is rich in volatile production - volatile substances secreted by higher plants , which have antimicrobial activity . Volatile - the same antibiotics, only higher plants. Soviet scientists BP Tokin proved highly volatile production activity of individual plants . Among them, the onion and garlic, which has been shown to be potent disinfecting agents .
The use of therapeutic onion in folk and official medicine .
onions , garlic, onions bear , or wild garlic in the domestic medical
practice became known collectively as phytoncide drugs. They are used to fight various infections . Phytoncidic drugs have a beneficial effect on the whole body - they reinforce the motor and secretory activity.Professor N. Kharchenko proposed two phytoncide preparation of onions - allilchep and allilglitser . By prescription , these drugs dispensed pharmacies.Allilchep
used in atony ( weakness ) of the intestine , colitis ( inflammation of
the colon) , they treat atherosclerosis and sclerotic form of
hypertension. Allilglitser is used topically for the treatment of certain gynecological diseases . But the treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a physician .It is widely used in everyday life onions as a diuretic and antiscorbutic . And
in scientific medical practice, it is also considered a means of
treating deficiency diseases , diseases caused by lack of vitamins in
the diet . After
bulbs contain vitamin C , B1 , provitamin A (carotene ) and a small
amount of vitamin H (biotin ), and there are leaves , and vitamin B6. However, we must remember that the activity is shown only fresh onion juice as long as there remain volatile.It is known that at a cold lubrication onion juice nasal cavity can bring great relief. However, the attempt to treat viral influenza onion juice gave no success . Influenza viruses were resistant to its volatile. But as a prophylactic during influenza epidemics , onion is important. Its consumption in this period makes the body more resistant to infection.Onion juice has mokrotootdelyayuschim property. In everyday life, they are (better half with honey) for coughs and lung bronchitis . Onion juice can dissolve kidney stones and sand. In 1930, it was established a hypoglycemic effect of onion juice , which is the ability to lower blood sugar . In 1957 he was isolated from the bulbs mannitol - a product that is used in the diet of diabetics. Patients with diabetes is recommended onion diet : fresh onion soup and baked onions. Of course, onion replace medication - insulin , but the initial stages of the disease it can have a therapeutic effect.Interest in the onion onions over the years unabated. Our domestic literature leads many recipes use onion . For
example , NP Ioyrish ( 1956 ) in his book " Healing properties of honey
and bee venom " indicates the prescription treatment of bladder
weakness : the grated onion and apples with honey taken daily . Whooping cough in children is recommended boiled onion juice with honey , drink it on a teaspoon several times a day.In
everyday life and enjoy the onion as an anthelmintic ( anthelminthic )
means : eat onions on an empty stomach , sometimes with herring . The audit showed that the bow does have some action against roundworm and pinworm .
Therapeutic onions in traditional cosmetics.
makeup for a long time very much appreciates the onion juice as a means
of encouraging the growth and strengthening hair. Women even with magnificent hair often resorted to using a bow. Periodically ( 1-2 times per week) is rubbed lightly fingers two or three tablespoons of fresh onion juice . Next, tie a head with a towel , and after about an hour or two wash it with soap and water as usual. This simple folk remedy not only strengthens and reinforces the hair growth, but also eliminates the head of dandruff. The hair becomes soft, silky , get a nice shine.In the above-mentioned book by P. Ioyrisha is cosmetic prescription ointment of onion juice , wax , honey and white lilies. This cream protects the skin from wrinkles and eliminates wrinkles have already appeared . Onion juice and remove freckles .

As we have repeatedly emphasized , human health is largely dependent on a healthy intestinal flora . In
some states of the organism (injury , stress , heavy operations ,
antibiotic therapy and chemotherapy , radiation therapy, anesthesia ,
unfavorable environmental conditions, poisoning toxins, depression ,
exercise , etc.) and the composition of microorganisms inhabiting the
body is normal, can change - and then there is a state of dysbiosis .Interesting studies have been carried out by Russian scientists . They
studied the state of the tested volunteers in extreme conditions - for
example, training of test pilots , accompanied by a significant neuro-
emotional stress , increase physical activity in preparation for the
flight, the astronauts , the work of scientists in Antarctica , the
surrender of the session students or thesis defense scientists ,
adaptation to new recruits the first months of life , etc.Scientists have been reliably established that the " trigger " changes in the microflora is emotional stress. The
studies show numerous violations detected at all levels of immunity,
which is usually accompanied by increased incidence of infectious and
non-infectious etiology, and especially changing the composition of
microflora - in stressful situations, there is a sharp decrease in the
number of bifidoflora .The
use of drugs, " Lactobacillus " and " Bifidumbakterin " showed that
bifidobacteria have immune-stimulating activity and increase the body's
resistance to pathogens .So
if your profession can be attributed to any of the categories listed
below , you should pay close attention to the results of research
scientists. So, you just need probiotic preparations , if you :1. Working
in extreme situations (this category include workers working in shifts ,
athletes, members of polar and high mountain expeditions , test pilots ,
astronauts , etc.) ;2 . A sedentary lifestyle ;3 . Constantly feel nervous and emotional stress (this applies to businessmen , executives , politicians, law enforcement , etc.)But
even if your work is not associated with this kind of physical or
emotional overload , take care of themselves, their children and elderly
parents : easier to prevent disease than to treat it ( we repeat
ourselves , but the truth does not tarnish the repetition ) !

Yes, it is good to learn to see the dreams of clarity. But, more importantly consciously awake , that is present "here and now" every moment during the day. Lucid dreaming and wakefulness clarity complement , but do not exclude each other. Therefore, if you want to realize a dream , but the " sleep " during the day , do not expect success. And
if you keep the awareness day , but you lack the understanding or
wisdom , you will also be lacking understanding or wisdom, and during
sleep. Yoga encourages you to light up all the illusions and delusions of everyday life searchlight full awareness . Clearing
the mind from false perceptions , beliefs and attachments, you will
realize the unusual states of consciousness, including the dream of
you are not tempted by the idea of constantly aware of everything
that happens to you and around you , replace it with a deep desire for
peace , which are able to achieve a yoga master . We
believe awareness is one of the most simple and natural conditions (no
wonder it is called the "natural condition " or Sahaja avastha ) . Consciousness
is much more complex : remember how incredibly exhausting may be
thinking (especially if you have a specific concern ) .
Graduate of "I" or "I " true
the fact that the objectives of the different schools of yoga may vary
greatly, they all tend to open the door leading to the true nature of
man , which is called the spirit or higher 'I' How on earth people, so
many ways of self-realization. Every
spiritual path is unique, although the internal development of each of
us is subject to certain principles common to all . One
of these fundamental principles states : in order to understand its
true nature , it is necessary to overcome the force of gravity of
habitual behavior.At
the heart of all the ways of self-realization , including hatha yoga ,
and the Eightfold Path of Raja Yoga , is one and the same process that
is expressed in self-observation , self-understanding , self-discipline
and self-transformation - of complementary and interrelated practices.
Observe ourselves
encourages you to self-observation - that is, awareness of their own
feelings , thoughts and actions without making yourself assessments.Introspection involves attention ( not estimated !) To your own reactions to the surrounding people and situations. For example, you may find that often criticize relatives or , conversely , overly trusting and compliant . You may realize that closed in themselves , like a snail in a shell , and avoid full participation in life.Explore the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and constraints - without self-reproach or anger towards others .
understand ourselves
Based on self-observation, self-understanding , which involves finding the root causes of your habitual patterns of behavior. Self-realization
- it is also an understanding that the weight of your thoughts and
actions revolve around the ego or your psychological center. Due to the ego you identify yourself , for example:I'm Frank , I'm 35 years old, by nationality - Armenian. I - a citizen of the United States of America. My height - 1 meter 80 centimeters , my weight - 85 pounds, I have blue eyes and dark hair . I am married and have two children. My profession - an electronics engineer . I'm interested in skydiving . I'm pretty ambitious and not religious .The
identification of the ego is useful as long as you do not begin to
separate themselves from their own spiritual center , or create a
barrier between you and other people.In
any case, do not take the ego seriously , because it is nothing more
than a way to quickly identify themselves verbally and psychologically. Ego is not the same as your true nature , spirit or "I " .
In addition , you will surely identify yourself with your actions , I - that's what I used to do . So limit your ego . The process of self-restraint ( atma- samkocha ) represents a clenched fist . Yoga
teaches you how to unclench your fist and start to live in harmony, in
accordance with the views of the spirit , or the Superior "I " .

The house is poorly stoked . Man chilly , huddled under a blanket , so he does not want to get up. A few minutes later , he takes air bath naked , and he was not cold . What happened ? The
man did as massage and would include proper heating : a dense network
of capillaries summed up the hot blood to the skin , began to act
vigorously battery of blood vessels.About massage hands says a lot. Here I will tell more about the self-massage of skin tissue.Fabric increases friction, is an insulating layer between the arms and body. And then, and both are very important . When rubbing a person takes a variety of positions. You
can rub the body while sitting and standing, but I think that for
self-massage in the treatment and prevention to its original position
lying effectively.A wide variety of poses and positions that people take for self-massage , are useful internal organs. To the liver , stomach , spleen provided a change of environment. For the heart and lungs open the way blood flow. To enjoy full krovoottok limbs .
So, let's get together hold a session of self-massage with a cloth .
Technique of self-massage .
Is it convenient to you settled ? Lie on your back? Turn
on one side, on the other , on his stomach, his hands with a cloth make
a variety of movements , stroking the skin of the whole body. Between the movements required a second complete relaxation. Just do not rush ! Then it will be useful combined with pleasant moments of relaxation . Mandatory condition Healing Touch - clean skin and body tissue.Connect morning exercises with self-massage , and do it daily . Or at least on weekends. Not bad for a massage devote an entire month in the autumn and spring, so you can help the metabolism .Soft
dense towel pressed against the body straight fingers of one or both
hands so that the greatest possible area of the body massage the cloth. Massage towel develops brush gives a wide area of action. However, not every hand towel " obey " - sometimes it turns, rather than stroking the skin. Rescue mitten or glove , made of soft thick fabric . Make it simple: a free pouch , double stitched with lanes 1-2 fingers , with elastic at the wrist .
Begin with self-massage strokes . Breathe . Then apply the skin with a pat of pressing , and then repeat the stroke . Take a break and then continue self-massage . Movement directed in a straight line up and down, right and left, circular, spiral.
Start doing stroking, patting , stroking again - at 3-5. In the following days, increase the number of repetitions to 10-15 times. During the breaks for rest do breathing exercises to 3-5.The
movement is executed in the following sequence : the neck , face, head ,
body (chest , abdomen , hips , back) , the limbs (legs , arms ) .
Towel over his chest. Grab it with your fingers of both hands and stroking his neck up and down the front . Just promassiruyte face, head . Repeat the massage, towel moving left, right , in a circle. Now promassiruyte behind the ears, back of the head and neck ( back) . Relax , breathe . Hand in hand .
Towel on his stomach . Stroking the body of the front and sides . Movements of the arms are wide, free, easy . Turn to the right side , then on the belly and massage one , then two hands back - from the neck to the buttocks. Perhaps , in the beginning you will not be able to reach certain parts of the body : hands as if short, clumsy body . Patience . Day
after day, together with the improvement of well-being will develop
flexibility , joint mobility , all the easier it will be to massage the
most remote corners of the body .
Turn on the left side with your legs . Try to keep the hips , too, have been turned to the left , and the body and the hands turn to the right. Stroking the skin right side and back. Then
stretch your legs and go polubokom to the right and to the left ,
change the position of the hands , but try to reach out to the back and
promassirovat it with a cloth . Lie on your stomach. Relax , breathe .
Turn on your back . Towel on his right hip . Bending the leg to the abdomen , massage it in the direction from the hip to the foot. Straightening the leg, massaging her from the heel to the buttocks. The second way - with a pat of pressing - do just flexing it right , then the left leg . Areas of direct and in a circle.
Towel across the chest and shoulders . Brush crosswise. Hands through his hands stroking himself with a towel and towel . Keep a towel and massage the lower forearm , hands , each hand .
Stand up and " NAPO " the skin with moisture. Dampen a towel with water temperature pleasant for you and apply it to the face , neck and body. Leather greedily absorbs moisture refreshed . Do not wipe it, let her dry. If you are used to use creams , now is the time to put them on the skin.
Each session is self-massage brings you an update : the skin becomes more supple, dense. Multiplying the power of skeletal muscles. Improved organ of creation : hands become more skillful , clever .
The body is complex , and our movements are often poor. Somewhere not actively proceed metabolism, brewing stagnant state . Every day you take your room, and you feel that it is clean . However, during the general cleaning you even more carefully wipe every thing back down the furniture . It turns out , as under tables and cabinets garbage ! Taking the unusual posture , staying in this position, as you would rinse and cleanse all the nooks of his body .
Self-massage - a valuable receiving care internal organs. People often ask me : " His back is probably better to iron with someone's help ? " I
reply: "You ask about mutual or as they say , on the family massage ?
His is welcome. But self-massage is also valuable and your movements ,
positions , rotations , developing joint and ligaments . Therefore
advisable that you own hands promassirovat all the back. "

The mechanism of action of mud on the human body
muds have a complex physico- chemical structure and its composition
superior to many drugs , which leads to its more complex , multifaceted
effect on the human body and is a tool for coordination systems
functioning and metabolism. The
therapeutic effect is determined by the combined action of mud closely
related factors: the mechanical, thermal , chemical , biological,
radioactive .
The action of the mud on the body of a multi-stage . The first step - it's impact on cellular peloid formation of skin and mucous membranes. Reflex effect on the efferent pathways enters the central nervous system. In
the second stage transformed pulses in the efferent pathways through
the third grade , come from cortical and subcortical structures in a
variety of adaptive systems . The fourth step - change the way neurohumoral homeostasis and tissue metabolism . The fifth step provides for the development of protective mechanisms that leads to the weakening of the pathological process. The sixth step is connected with the resorption of pharmacologically active substances peloid . The
seventh stage is associated with the intracellular metabolism provides a
new state of the energy capacity of an organism by changing the
reactivity of organs and systems , cellular structures through which
therapeutic effects are realized .
effects on the human body peloidoterapii defined physico -chemical
characteristics of dirt on the one hand , adaptive and reactivity - on
the other. Chemical
and biological components act on receptors mud skin penetrate intact
skin , sebaceous and sweat glands , thereby affecting the function of
various organs.
the reflex action on the skin and mucous membranes of patients have
tactile, thermal, chemical , notseptivnye irritation , causing the
overall reaction. Irritations are transmitted through mediators : gistaodn , acetylcholine , serotonin, kinins . They
enhance the permeability of the skin and mucous membranes, contributing
to a better penetration of chemical , biological, enzymatic components
peloid .
skin plays a crucial role not only in receiving mud active substances
in the body , but in the chemical deposition spectrum Peloid . Deporaspredelitelny
effect of skin by the action of physical factors related to the
following aspects: adsorption on the surface of the skin chemicals of
medicinal environment ( the "salt coat" ) and active absorption of many
of them, one of the mechanisms of their penetration is the dissolution
of the secret of the sweat and sebaceous glands, the formation of skin
depot substances , components which operate on different structures of
the skin and reflex - to many organs and tissues ; prolonged delivery of
substances from the skin depot and selective (in accordance with
tropism and reflex connections ) affect many tissues and organs . The
chemicals contained in the medical muds : inorganic ions and organic
compounds , humic acids, vitamins , lipids , amino acids, glucides ,
volatile gases ( hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide , amine base) and
other trace components acting on the body directly through the skin and
its structure and reflex humoral pathways. The
water -soluble elements mud overcome the skin barrier with difficulty ,
fat-soluble substances have greater penetrating power .
have proved, and the penetration of the body through intact skin
sulfide , volatile substances , phosphorus , sulfur , sodium, chlorine ,
nickel , arsenic, iron, etc. These substances act in the body as
biocatalysts in the enzymes and coenzymes affecting bioenergetic ,
immune and other processes. On
penetration of the active substances from the sludge treatment in the
human body is affected by: the acidity and temperature of the mud, the
duration of exposure . By prolonged exposure through the skin into virtually any substance . In
the study found that the permeability barrier gistogematologicheskih
rises to 5 - th procedure , then decreased and returned to baseline
after 10 days after the end of treatment.
mud has antispastic , analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect , slows
heart rate, lowers blood pressure, increases vascular permeability ,
enhances release of tissue metabolites , reduces the excitability of the
nervous system. Step mud temperature factor is largely determined by the reactivity of the organism and its adaptive systems .With regard to the optimal temperature for mud therapy , there are different opinions . Many
authors point out that the anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effect
of therapeutic mud in increasingly greater at 46 ° C applications ,
rather than 38 " C. However , there are observations , according to
which the mud at 44" C and above decreases sympathetic nervous system
activity , there
is a negative effect on the central , myogenic and metabolic regulation
of the peripheral circulation , reduced trophic processes , possibly
worsening the disease.
the influence of mud stimulates catecholamine biosynthesis , which
leads first to a decrease and then a significant increase in the
activity of the hypothalamic -pituitary- adrenal cortex . Peloidoterapii
action on the autonomic nervous system is manifested in the form of two
phases : first, increased tone of the sympathetic and parasympathetic
nervous system then - "full vegetative switch ."It
has been suggested the formation of 3- phase reaction of the body to
the action of the mud : Phase 1 - slozhnoreflektornaya ; Phase 2 -
neurohormonal , third phase - the phase of the aftereffect .
The first two phases occur during the procedure , the third phase after 2-24 hours after its completion. Reaction
of the autonomic nervous system to effect Peloid depends on its initial
state and engage in the pathological process , and stage gains. In
severe autonomic symptoms and the active course of the disease is
increased sympathetic nervous system function in chronic process and the
absence of severe vegetopatii - its oppression. As
a result of humoral and hormonal shifts in peloidoterapii seromucoid
reduced level in blood serum, which reduces dystrophy and improves the
regeneration of connective tissue , mud increases growth hormone ,
cortisol , gonadotropic hormones. Of considerable interest are the humic substances that make up the main part of the whole complex ganic substances in the mud . The main part of the humic substances are humic , cream and ulmic acid.
They are sources of food microorganisms dirt sorbed radionuclides. Humic substances are mobile in the electric field. The biological activity of mud due to the presence of humic acids free radicals. Humic
substances easily penetrate through the skin, can bind to a variety of
ions from aqueous media , playing the role of " ion exchange " between
the skin and dirt. The
specific action of therapeutic mud is astringent and tanning effect on
the skin that is caused by the reaction of humic acids to proteins of
the skin. Humic
acids have kortizonopodobnym action, cause inhibition of hyaluronidase ,
which is part of the connective tissue , arresting the processes of
inflammation in patients with arthritis.
Peloidotherapy has a normalizing effect on the excretory function of the liver. Biostimulating
properties have naphthenic acids , quinones , carotene , vitamins ,
etc. Magnesium chloride has anti-inflammatory effect , is effective in
the treatment of venous ulcers. Calcium salts restore the disturbed electrolyte balance in the inflammation , providing also an anti-inflammatory effect.
Organic matter peloids are able to bind metal ions, radioactive substances, toxins. Healing
mud stimulate the physiological functions of tissues and stimulates the
oxidation reaction intensify bioenergetic processes , make up for
energy expenditure spent on the fight against inflammation. When
exposed to the local inflammatory process causes peloid tissue
regeneration, improving the trophic , blood circulation , which
contributes to pathological resorption of inflammatory products .In
the exudative phase of inflammation and humic acid fraction
steroidosoderzhaschie peloids limit the exudation and the migration of
leukocytes in the area of inflammation , slow down the development of
edema . In
the proliferative phase of inflammation mud increase plasma viscosity ,
reduce its permeability , increase the absorption of the products of
inflammation and abnormal tissue fluid outflow . Increasing
the activity of antioxidant system , inhibit lipid peroxidation in
inflammation , restore processes of glycolysis and lipolysis . Organic substances inhibit polymerization peloids collagen fibers enhance aggregation glycosaminoglycans . Due
to the enhanced release of macrophages and mast cells collagenolytic
enzymes inside - cellular and extracellular collagenolysis develops . Mud
applications enhance the maturation of fibroblasts and the subsequent
formation of elastic fibers of the connective tissue and the regression
of multiple sclerosis lesions .
treatments have immunoregulatory effects on the patient , primarily due
to stimulation of the glucocorticoid function kortikotsitov . During Phase peloidoterapii observed immune modulation . In the first week of treatment reduced immunoglobulin levels in the second half of the course of treatment - increased.Mud treatment increases the level of procoagulant and reduced fibrinolytic activity of blood . But at higher temperatures mud applications to 44 ° C dramatically increases blood coagulability .
Geographic data after the course peloidoterapii indicate increased blood supply to tissues , which improves trophic processes . Decreases
the amount of lipids in the blood serum, improved education
oxyhemoglobin enhanced redox processes , the process of rehabilitation
of the inflammatory focus .
Therapeutic mud has antibacterial properties due to organic complex. It is able to adsorb pathogenic flora , particularly Staphylococcus aureus . Mud
microflora ( biological factor ), being an antagonist of skin organisms
, causing their death and rejection of flakes of dead horny layer of
the epidermis. Accumulate
on the skin chemicals and bacteria clog the ducts of sweat and
sebaceous glands , forming them microinflammatory infiltrates. Due to the migration of Langerhans cells in the dermis and release interleukins the activation of cellular immunity in the skin.Under
the influence of treatment peloids are functional transformation of
many organ systems : cardiovascular , respiratory, nervous, endocrine ,
digestive, immune . Thus,
peloidotherapy provides the following therapeutic effects :
anti-inflammatory ( anti-edema , reparative and regenerative ) ,
metabolic , trophic , immunomodulatory , defibrosing , bactericidal ,
bio-stimulation , sedation, coagulating , keratolytic .