Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Yoga in your life.

Yes, it is good to learn to see the dreams of clarity. But, more importantly consciously awake , that is present "here and now" every moment during the day. Lucid dreaming and wakefulness clarity complement , but do not exclude each other. Therefore, if you want to realize a dream , but the " sleep " during the day , do not expect success. And if you keep the awareness day , but you lack the understanding or wisdom , you will also be lacking understanding or wisdom, and during sleep. Yoga encourages you to light up all the illusions and delusions of everyday life searchlight full awareness . Clearing the mind from false perceptions , beliefs and attachments, you will realize the unusual states of consciousness, including the dream of clarity.If you are not tempted by the idea of ​​constantly aware of everything that happens to you and around you , replace it with a deep desire for peace , which are able to achieve a yoga master . We believe awareness is one of the most simple and natural conditions (no wonder it is called the "natural condition " or Sahaja avastha ) . Consciousness is much more complex : remember how incredibly exhausting may be thinking (especially if you have a specific concern ) .
Graduate of "I" or "I " true
Despite the fact that the objectives of the different schools of yoga may vary greatly, they all tend to open the door leading to the true nature of man , which is called the spirit or higher 'I' How on earth people, so many ways of self-realization. Every spiritual path is unique, although the internal development of each of us is subject to certain principles common to all . One of these fundamental principles states : in order to understand its true nature , it is necessary to overcome the force of gravity of habitual behavior.At the heart of all the ways of self-realization , including hatha yoga , and the Eightfold Path of Raja Yoga , is one and the same process that is expressed in self-observation , self-understanding , self-discipline and self-transformation - of complementary and interrelated practices.
Observe ourselves
Yoga encourages you to self-observation - that is, awareness of their own feelings , thoughts and actions without making yourself assessments.Introspection involves attention ( not estimated !) To your own reactions to the surrounding people and situations. For example, you may find that often criticize relatives or , conversely , overly trusting and compliant . You may realize that closed in themselves , like a snail in a shell , and avoid full participation in life.Explore the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and constraints - without self-reproach or anger towards others .
understand ourselves
Based on self-observation, self-understanding , which involves finding the root causes of your habitual patterns of behavior. Self-realization - it is also an understanding that the weight of your thoughts and actions revolve around the ego or your psychological center. Due to the ego you identify yourself , for example:I'm Frank , I'm 35 years old, by nationality - Armenian. I - a citizen of the United States of America. My height - 1 meter 80 centimeters , my weight - 85 pounds, I have blue eyes and dark hair . I am married and have two children. My profession - an electronics engineer . I'm interested in skydiving . I'm pretty ambitious and not religious .The identification of the ego is useful as long as you do not begin to separate themselves from their own spiritual center , or create a barrier between you and other people.In any case, do not take the ego seriously , because it is nothing more than a way to quickly identify themselves verbally and psychologically. Ego is not the same as your true nature , spirit or "I " .
In addition , you will surely identify yourself with your actions , I - that's what I used to do . So limit your ego . The process of self-restraint ( atma- samkocha ) represents a clenched fist . Yoga teaches you how to unclench your fist and start to live in harmony, in accordance with the views of the spirit , or the Superior "I " .

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