Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sexual Development: A form of delayed sexual development.

In most cases, formed in girls 28 -30- day menstrual cycle . Sometimes on the establishment of a regular cycle requires several months to 1 year. On the formation of the menstrual function is strongly influenced by psycho-emotional condition of the girl , and physical development . Adolescents , in contrast to adults , it is very easy to respond to disasters occurring in the world , but the relationships with peers and family may significantly affect the child's emotional state , including causing abnormal development of the reproductive system .
One of the important factors affecting the formation of a normal menstrual cycle , are weight and height girls . Body weight necessary for the formation of the menstrual function is 44-47 kg with height 160 - 163 cm Particularly important is the percentage of subcutaneous fat in the body of the girl . Proved that the normal menstrual cycle is possible in a weight fraction of approximately 22% fat by weight of the body. By reducing this figure to 10-15 % of body weight menstruation stops.Therefore, it becomes clear increase in the number of young women with serious hormonal problems in our time , because the excessive pursuit of weight loss often goes beyond the bounds of reasonable and lead to serious disturbances in the reproductive and other systems. However overweight harmful as well as the development of various disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Uncontrolled use of hormones for contraception often leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle. Another thing hormonal drugs for the treatment of pathologies of the menstrual cycle and under strict medical supervision.
Now, with the advent of menstruation body girls are physiologically ready to conceive a child. But we should distinguish between puberty and sexual maturity. By puberty refers to the ability to provide, to give birth, nourish and nurture a healthy baby without sacrificing their health . Most of our scientists to determine the age of puberty or after 17-18 years.
Sometimes , defective ovaries do not respond to their hormonal stimulation , so the level of estrogen in the blood remains very low. Externally such girls have the same characteristics as in the form of the central delay puberty but underdevelopment genitalia generally more pronounced. No , as a rule , and the growth of pubic hair and armpits . In various embodiments, the genetic pathology clinical picture can vary considerably .
Treatment for this form of delayed sexual development should start at the age of 10-12 years. Replacement therapy is used by female sex hormones , physical therapy , vitamin therapy , the treatment helps to shape the female figure , to achieve the appearance of menstruation.
However, the majority of women with ovarian form of delay sexual development , unfortunately, fruitless, and even if as a result of treatment possible to achieve pregnancy is a risk of having a child with similar problems. Therefore, when interest in the birth of a child is recommended to perform prenatal diagnosis with the establishment of the genotype of the fetus.

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