Sunday, September 22, 2013

Diseases of the breast

Dishormonal breast disease in women after miscarriage .

The frequency of miscarriage ranges from ten to twenty-five percent of the total number of pregnancies and no sign of decreasing . Spontaneous abortion adversely affects both the psychological and the hormonal balance in the body of a woman on the background of violations that resulted in a miscarriage , and high levels of stress .
After a spontaneous abortion (SA) as directed , and over time there dishormonal violations that have a negative impact on the mammary glands ( breast ), which in particular lead to the development of such dishormonal breast disease ( DBD ) , as dysplasia ( breast ) mammalgia , galactorrhea , cysts, and so on. Dishormonal breast disease diagnosed in 30-50 % of women of reproductive age. In turn, these diseases increase the risk of cancer , particularly breast cancer . In women with a history of CA , DBD occur more frequently in 2-3 times, and breast cancer - 1.7 times .
The efficacy of the drug Mammoleptin in diseases of the breast. The site published a report on the experience of using this drug in patients with fibrocystic breast disease .
Nowadays, most of the activities for the rehabilitation of these women are aimed at finding factors of miscarriage , treatment and planning for the next pregnancy , not enough attention is paid to the correction of hormonal disorders in order to prevent the DBD . In the available literature on this subject a lot of attention paid to the use of hormonal contraception ( HC) as a way to preserve reproductive function after induced abortion (IA ) to the end of the search period, and treatment factors abortion ( subject to the exclusion of contraindications ) .
But no one preventive scheme is not given attention as MF in these women . Meanwhile, there is evidence for the negative impacts of the SA directly on the health of the MF , the risk of tumor formation and DBD , and a negative impact on the state of CA previous lactation after a successful rehabilitation of reproductive function and the completion of the next pregnancy and maternity leave . After the CA is enhanced not only hormonal dysfunction, but mikrotsirkulyatsionnye processes in the breast . These disorders are the result of both the proliferative changes in the breast parenchyma during pregnancy, which was broken, and hormonal dysfunction of the ovaries against the endocrine (eg , disease or dysfunction of the thyroid gland) , and other factors CA. Pregnancy, and eventually the stress associated with her loss , lead to a marked hormonal imbalance at all levels of the hypothalamic -pituitary -ovarian system ( GGYAS ), including steroidogenesis in the ovaries and the secretion of prolactin (PRL ) in the pituitary gland . State of the mammary gland after the SA is mainly due to the peculiarities of the ovaries and the level of PRL .

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