Saturday, September 14, 2013


Exercises for large muscle Eye
Do exercises standing, relaxed . It is important that there was a good posture . Head facing forward .

exercises for eye moving the head or body , take a look at the ceiling, then move your eyes to the floor. Take your time, but do not do too slow.
Move your eyes from side to side, looking at first as far as possible to the right, then to the left , the body and head still.
Look in the upper right corner of the room , then to the bottom left . Repeat 10 times . Then make eye movements from the upper left to the lower right corner as 10 times .
Imagine a very large hoop. Circle his eyes 10 times from right to left . Do the same in the other direction . Do not move your head , rotate only the eyes.
Exercises for the eyes of Indian yogis

Central locking - eyes focused on any object in the distance or close for about a minute . You need to look unblinkingly , as long as the tears begin to flow . Distance to the object 48-50 cm posture - comfortable , relaxed . Look also can be fixed on top of the flame of a candle on a small black circle , pinned to the wall. The smaller the object for fixing the better.
After several months of training on the subject , you can go to the contemplation of pure water. Pour the water into a beautiful vase and behold about 10 minutes to center the reflection created by ordinary light . Vase must be placed so that the focus was reflected in the center of the plate , should contemplate this brilliant surface.
Contemplation of the nose. Sit relaxed, keep the neck straight , eyes fixed on the top of the nose. Contemplate 1-2 minutes and then close your eyes . Repeat 2-3 times.
Contemplation of the eyebrows. After a moment's rest with eyes closed eyes fix on the spot between the eyebrows. Look to hold for 1-2 minutes . Close your eyes to rest.
Contemplation of the shoulder. Neck , body, and keep your head straight. Stare at the end of your right shoulder for 1-2 minutes . Close your eyes to rest. Also , but to the left shoulder .
Performing these exercises strengthens the muscles of the eyeball , natural hold and accommodation.
Breathing, stimulates the flow of blood to the eyes

Move to fresh air, or open a window. Before the exercise a few deep breaths . Now your blood is ready to send oxygen to the eyes. Take a deep breath , hold your breath , do not exhale , bend at the waist and knees slightly bent , lower your head , it is below the level of the heart. Now the blood is enriched with oxygen, goes to the head and eyes , removing toxins and garbage . Stand in this position for a count of five . Repeat several times .

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