Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Therapeutic onions

Who does not know the usual onions - routinely used vegetable crops , excellent flavor seasoning for various dishes !But the bow - not only a great seasoning . No less fame enjoyed its healing properties . The famous medieval scholar Ibn Sina (Avicenna ), a thousand years ago wrote about the medicinal properties of onion . The main statements of Ibn Sina modern science has fully confirmed . And in Russian medicine bow has long been considered one of the quickest remedies. Nowadays , traditional medicine treats baked onions inflamed tumors , boils and other sores , as well as bluish spots on the face . For these purposes are also compresses and lotions from onions , cooked in milk. Means simple, but it is actively mitigates the tumor and accelerates the ripening of boils . Fresh onion juice reduce warts .It is known that wounds , smeared onion juice , heal quickly . Rubbing this juice relieves pain injuries , softens hardened . Onion compress remove corn, onion pre- weld penetration in the dining vinegar. Traditional medicine appreciates the bow as a stimulant , providing good health. It is believed that the bow enhances hearing and vision . Onion broth is useful for all kinds of rashes . Some fungal diseases , traditional medicine also treats very successful onions.Preparations of medicinal onions, created on the basis of international experience , have become part of our arsenal of domestic medicine .What accounts for these medicinal properties of onion ? Onion is rich in volatile production - volatile substances secreted by higher plants , which have antimicrobial activity . Volatile - the same antibiotics, only higher plants. Soviet scientists BP Tokin proved highly volatile production activity of individual plants . Among them, the onion and garlic, which has been shown to be potent disinfecting agents .
The use of therapeutic onion in folk and official medicine .
Preparations onions , garlic, onions bear , or wild garlic in the domestic medical practice became known collectively as phytoncide drugs. They are used to fight various infections . Phytoncidic drugs have a beneficial effect on the whole body - they reinforce the motor and secretory activity.Professor N. Kharchenko proposed two phytoncide preparation of onions - allilchep and allilglitser . By prescription , these drugs dispensed pharmacies.Allilchep used in atony ( weakness ) of the intestine , colitis ( inflammation of the colon) , they treat atherosclerosis and sclerotic form of hypertension. Allilglitser is used topically for the treatment of certain gynecological diseases . But the treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a physician .It is widely used in everyday life onions as a diuretic and antiscorbutic . And in scientific medical practice, it is also considered a means of treating deficiency diseases , diseases caused by lack of vitamins in the diet . After bulbs contain vitamin C , B1 , provitamin A (carotene ) and a small amount of vitamin H (biotin ), and there are leaves , and vitamin B6. However, we must remember that the activity is shown only fresh onion juice as long as there remain volatile.It is known that at a cold lubrication onion juice nasal cavity can bring great relief. However, the attempt to treat viral influenza onion juice gave no success . Influenza viruses were resistant to its volatile. But as a prophylactic during influenza epidemics , onion is important. Its consumption in this period makes the body more resistant to infection.Onion juice has mokrotootdelyayuschim property. In everyday life, they are (better half with honey) for coughs and lung bronchitis . Onion juice can dissolve kidney stones and sand. In 1930, it was established a hypoglycemic effect of onion juice , which is the ability to lower blood sugar . In 1957 he was isolated from the bulbs mannitol - a product that is used in the diet of diabetics. Patients with diabetes is recommended onion diet : fresh onion soup and baked onions. Of course, onion replace medication - insulin , but the initial stages of the disease it can have a therapeutic effect.Interest in the onion onions over the years unabated. Our domestic literature leads many recipes use onion . For example , NP Ioyrish ( 1956 ) in his book " Healing properties of honey and bee venom " indicates the prescription treatment of bladder weakness : the grated onion and apples with honey taken daily . Whooping cough in children is recommended boiled onion juice with honey , drink it on a teaspoon several times a day.In everyday life and enjoy the onion as an anthelmintic ( anthelminthic ) means : eat onions on an empty stomach , sometimes with herring . The audit showed that the bow does have some action against roundworm and pinworm .
Therapeutic onions in traditional cosmetics.
People makeup for a long time very much appreciates the onion juice as a means of encouraging the growth and strengthening hair. Women even with magnificent hair often resorted to using a bow. Periodically ( 1-2 times per week) is rubbed lightly fingers two or three tablespoons of fresh onion juice . Next, tie a head with a towel , and after about an hour or two wash it with soap and water as usual. This simple folk remedy not only strengthens and reinforces the hair growth, but also eliminates the head of dandruff. The hair becomes soft, silky , get a nice shine.In the above-mentioned book by P. Ioyrisha is cosmetic prescription ointment of onion juice , wax , honey and white lilies. This cream protects the skin from wrinkles and eliminates wrinkles have already appeared . Onion juice and remove freckles .

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