Thursday, September 19, 2013

Otitis(ear infection)

Otitis  - is a common definition of inflammatory diseases of the ear.

The ear - a rather fragile body, whose work depends on the accuracy of the smallest movements of all the elements of which it is composed, so nature has taken care of his defense. The main part of the ear is in the depth of the temporal bone. On the outside world communicates with the hearing organ by means of two channels. This is the channel for the sound - the external auditory canal and the canal for air - Eustachian tube.
The external auditory canal ends blindly. From the middle ear cavity his eardrum separates. Eustachian (auditory) tube element is conveying the middle ear cavity and the nasal. In addition to the functions of ventilation, it is responsible for maintaining equality of pressure on both sides of the eardrum, which is necessary for the smooth conduct of the sound.

The causes of otitisSince inflammation of nasopharynx for us is almost commonplace , it is clear that the auditory tube is the most common way of penetration of pathogenic bacteria and viruses in the organ of hearing . This facilitates any immunosuppression as a result of supercooling , and other diseases .Recently, more and more of our compatriots settled on fashion pursue such extreme views of the dispute as diving and climbing. And are at risk for inflammation in the ear. This is due to the rapid changes in pressure in the environment that hurts the-ear ( barotrauma ) .There are also a variety of mechanical damage to the ear pieces , impact or in combination with head injuries.The organ of hearing is divided into several departments that perform different functions . What is commonly called an ear in the home - the pinna and external auditory canal is used to capture sounds and carrying them to the eardrum . The latter converts the sounds into vibrations that are transmitted to the system of middle ear ossicles . The inner ear is the snail , which delivered vibrations are converted into nerve impulses. Next to the cochlea in the cavity of the inner ear is the organ of balance maze , giving information to the brain about the position of the body in space.symptoms of otitisSymptoms otitaV according to anatomical features , otitis media , as the disease is classified in the outer , middle and inner. Clinically it is manifested impairment of a division .Otitis externa - are inflammatory changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the ear canal . It can occur as a local inflammation ( boil ) or to have spilled character.Boil the ear canal occurs when the penetration of infection in the hair follicles and sebaceous ear canal. The main manifestations of this would be a pain in the ear canal , which increases with the movements of the lower jaw ( chewing, talking ) , as the joint of the lower jaw exerts pressure on him. Overall condition suffers slightly, maybe a slight fever . Usually boil revealed itself when ripe , and it leads to better health. Hearing a patient with this disease does not suffer.Diffuse otitis externa in most cases develops as a complication of chronic suppurative otitis media . The reason for this is the continuing pus through a damaged eardrum and infection of tissues of the ear canal . It is manifested with pain, redness in the ear canal . Sometimes diffuse ( diffuse ) otitis media can be caused by irritation of the ear canal skin chemicals or mechanical trauma to the accession of infection.The most common acute inflammation of the middle portion of the organ of hearing .Tubotit ( evstahiit ) is an inflammation of the Eustachian tube . She reacts to the first penetration of the infection of the nasal swelling , redness . When this clearance it is often closed due to the swelling and the pressure in the middle ear is reduced. The patient will feel it in the form of hearing loss , feelings of fullness and a sense of their own voice in the big ear. Usually nasal somewhat reduced if swallowed saliva or chewing, as this short-term clearance of auditory tube opens.If at this stage of the disease was not stopped by the immune system or by a physician , it covers all the inflammation of the middle ear cavity . There are pains in the ear , shoot, smack in the jaw , temple and neck, the temperature rises to considerable numbers, reduced hearing. This is due to the appearance in the cavity of the middle ear fluid ( exudate ) , who soon becomes purulent .On the third - the fourth day of the disease is developing the next stage of the process of inflammation, when pus is formed by the action of a hole in the eardrum (perforation ) , and through the outflow of fluid in the ear canal . That is, the patient will see that out of the ear canal produces liquid. After perforation usually occurs some improvement in the patient's temperature decreases , decreases pain.If not carried out proper treatment of otitis media , the fluid cavity is thick , it appears the strands of fibrin and formed adhesions and scarring . Last impede proper operation of the ossicles , which is fraught with persistent hearing loss .The main complaint of patients with internal otitis ( labyrinthitis ) is dizziness , combined with persistent hearing loss and tinnitus . This is due to the location in the cavity of the inner ear labyrinth ( the organ of balance ) . Dizziness may be in different diseases , but if it appeared suddenly after suffering a cold, accompanied by nausea and vomiting , you should get advice about ear infections . The infection can get into the inner ear inflammation of the middle of his department , through the blood of other foci of inflammation or inflammation of brain regions adjacent to it.diagnosis of otitisHow did recognize otitis ? For this necessarily should consult an ENT doctor. Otolaryngologist deals with problems of diseases of the ear , nose and throat as well as diseases of the organs most often interrelated. If ENT consultation is not possible , you should ask your GP or therapist.The physician must to inspect the ear , nose and throat, with special instruments , and evaluating patient survey data , to designate additional examination (if necessary) and treatment.The methods of confirming and clarifying the diagnosis can be assigned to a common blood test , which revealed signs of inflammation ( erythrocyte sedimentation rate increase , the increase in the number of white blood cells , etc.).To test the extent and level of damage to hearing conducted audiometry . The penetration of the sound waves is the organ of hearing by air and bone path. Work the way bone is verified by tuning forks . Air conduction examined by audiograph . The patient wears headphones and is asked to press the alarm button as soon as he hears the sound . The doctor gradually increases the strength and frequency of the audio signal fed to audiograph , noting the level of perception of the patient.If the visit to the doctor coincides with the stage of suppuration in the breakout of the eardrum , for a more precise definition of the causative agent produces microscopic and direct microscopic examination. That is, try to see the pathogen through a microscope , or grow larger number of " individuals " in the culture medium, and determine the type of microbe. This can take 3-4 days. But the results of this survey can prescribe the treatment is specific for the detection of the microbe .

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