Sunday, September 22, 2013

Seven tips losing weight mothers.

Nurturing the child, we are trying stubbornly not " see" the sprawling forms , hoping that after the birth all by itself change - a figure once again become like a young girl. But with the birth of a child , everything remains the same. You should not get depressed , but it's time to work on them .
So, let's think about how to get slim young mother and did not hurt at this chubby little boy , fondly cling to her breasts .
1. Decide to become slim
The system of priorities in life of young mum personal ambitions sidelined : a child who is given most of the time. Plan your day so that there is time for a healthy sleep and personal care. Throw away laziness and fatigue. Believe in yourself, experience genuine desire to be slim . The problem of how to lose weight mom is solved. The main thing - to believe and work on themselves.
2 . good rest
Priority attention - the kid, and it is not discussed . But household chores is not the most important. Do not hassle you! Sleep 7-8 hours a day. Everything else can wait.
3 . Breastfeed
And not only because it is important for the baby, but also to adhere to proper nutrition . Boiled meat , cereals, protein foods and salted food - just what you need for weight loss. But a little reduce portions, then the body will break down fat and extract nutrients from them.
4 . Do not try to starve yourself diets !
Nothing good is you do not bring, but you can easily harm the baby . Do not drink teas and supplements for weight loss. By the way, the vitamins also enhance the appetite. Be careful with them.
5 . balanced diet
Most often young mothers think how to lose weight in the hips . This is possible only if the fractional balanced diet. Eat 3-6 times a day. Give preference to the most useful products and do not eat much in one sitting. Count the calories: 2200-2400 more than you do not need . Drink lots of water.
6. Do not sit around
Be busy all the time , while thinking about the fridge will not have time . A great option - long walks with the child. Hours of walking , you bring only benefits . Everybody wins - the kid , you and your figure .
7. constantly move
Gym takes a lot of time , and after giving birth to many it just is contraindicated , but the walk to the pool you can and should be . If you can not at least occasionally use the pool , often do Kegel exercises , tensing and relaxing the muscles of the vagina . This is useful for the buttocks . Yet you fit squats and retraction - inflating the abdomen. Good and static exercises ( Callanetics ) .
Listen to our advice . Adhering to them , you will forget about the extra centimeters and kilograms , as a nightmare .

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