Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What are the benefits of breastfeeding.

That the child was healthy and developing properly , it needs to breastfeeding . So the baby gets plenty of useful and necessary materials.Breastfeeding is a big plus for the child. Today I want to give you all the advantages of why the situation is as follows:
1. A nursing mother is healthier : Breastfeeding helps burn calories , reduce the chance of getting cancer of the breast , uterus and ovaries , and also protects against osteoporosis.
2 . Small growing healthy. Receiving breast milk , the child gets the best immunity, and therefore will be less sick . Its development is faster because the body is properly formed , consuming the necessary trace elements. A child who drinks breast milk allergy chance to get much less than that of those children who grow up on artificial feeding . The risk of cancer is reduced , and decreases the chance of diabetes . As a result of feeding the baby formed a correct bite . Also among the advantages are: better absorption of calcium , there is a lack of iodine, and a stronger immune system.
3 . Big savings and time. To prepare the mixture , it is necessary to spend some time, and breast milk is always ready. Also, buy an artificial mixture - not a cheap pleasure . Not every family can afford it , unlike breast milk, which is absolutely free, and gifted by nature.
4 . As a result of breastfeeding , the child increases intelligence. Yes, that breast milk promotes rapid maturing of the cerebral cortex . No other milk does not come in handy for this .
5 . The nervous system of the baby is doing well . This is also due to the fact that breast milk has a special substance , which allow to ripen cortex.
As you can see, a lot of pros , so do not give up on what nature has given you .

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