Thursday, September 5, 2013


Cleansing and care of hands :
Hand Care should be no less carefully than in person. After the hand skin to a greater extent than the rest of the body is exposed to heat , cold , water, chemicals. The skin becomes rough , it becomes dry and wrinkled. In order to keep the skin of your hands soft, supple , requires systematic daily care of her. For this purpose serve as special cosmetics and ages tested traditional recipes .
After washing laundry or dishwashing detergent to wipe your hands with lemon juice, lemon crust , or rinse with acidified water (1-2 crystals of citric acid or a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water).
If your skin is beginning to fade , it is necessary to do a contrasting mustard , hot- cold baths (1 teaspoon dry mustard per liter of water).
Before and after the bath to put your hands on rich cream , which you can also add lemon juice ( 1/2 teaspoon juice 2 tablespoons cream ) .
Good hand care at home - baths for hands (if your skin is very dry , scaly or covered with cracks ) . Once a week for 30 minutes, immerse the hands in warm vegetable oil. This is useful for hand skin and nail .
For brittle nails vonnochka good oil with the addition of 3 drops of iodine. By taking bath , rub the oil into the skin, and then rub your fingers dry with a paper towel .
Good softens skin cucumber juice , decoction of cereal, potato broth . You can take a warm bath of herbal infusions of chamomile, sage , lime blossom . Take 1 tablespoon of plants per 1 liter of hot water. The remedy for freckles

When dry , rough , reddened skin helps bath of starch solution : 1 teaspoon of starch to make a glass of boiling water , dilute a liter of warm water. After the bath lubricate any vitaminized hand cream , first wiping dry.
When coarse skin helps massaging the night with a mixture of glycerin petroleum jelly , lanolin and vegetable oil in equal parts.
Rough , chapped skin can be soft and supple , when washing hands coffee grounds .
Rough skin softens hands good mixture of 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of glycerin and 1 egg yolk .
1 teaspoon of starch, stir in a little cold water , dissolve in hot water and add 1 liter of warm water. These baths help to soften rough skin.
Hands softens and potato broth . Before going to bed beneficial 10-15 minute bath of ottsezhennogo potato broth .
If redness from cold well help contrasting hot and cold baths . In each bath to keep your hands for 2-3 minutes . Check out the procedure to cold water. The duration of its 10-12 minutes.
With sweating hands can recommend baths with table salt (1 teaspoon per gallon of water). The water should be warm, keep your hands in it for 5-10 minutes.
Also helps with sweating hands bath infusion of willow ( white willow ) : 1 teaspoon of powdered bark pour 2 cups of cold water , infuse for 8 hours , drain. Hold hands in this infusion of 5-10 minutes.
To soften the skin of her hands is recommended to lubricate the night with one of the following compounds : glycerol - 30 g alcohol - 30 g , ammonia - 4 drops , bitter almonds - 20 g, or glycerin, alcohol, water , bitter almond in equal parts.
Lemon juice is useful in the care of his hands as a bleaching agent .
Heavily soiled and darkened with homework hands whitened using a slurry of crushed boiled potatoes, milk and lemon juice . With the same purpose , you can use a mixture of tomato juice or lemon juice with hydrogen peroxide. How to withdraw warts
Citric acid is used for excessive sweating skin of the hands and face. It is a good antipruritic , antiseptic and bleaching agent . Contained in lemon, juice of beets. Used mainly in 2% solution .
If redness of skin peeling of hands and it is used hot tubs with alum for 15 minutes. Then , dry your hands , rub them with lemon juice.
Also, when the red and cyanosis hands often do hot bath of salt solution ( 100 g of sea- salt in 1 liter of water). Duration of procedure - 20 minutes. After the bath massage your hands for 1-2 minutes , rubbing it in a mixture of a tablespoon of camphor oil and a tablespoon of camphor alcohol . Then apply a thin layer of cream on top of the hand .
If your elbows and heels are rough, do baths with a decoction of sweet clover for 30 minutes. Then grease greasy cream .
When excessive sweating hands skin , take water infusion of sage leaves . Drink 50 g, 2 times a day 14 days.
That the skin was rough elbows and dark , while washing to rub elbows with a stiff brush or sponge with soap and baking soda , then rub the ( circular motion ) fat cream . If the skin is coarse elbows ( cornification ) can be trays ( two bowls ) of hot soda soap or salt solution ( 50 g of sodium hydroxide and 100 g of salt per liter of water) of potato decoction . Elbows in front of this thick oil cream , hold it in the bath 10 minutes, then rub with a pumice stone , re- oil cream and soak for 10 minutes in the bath .
Beautiful hands - is primarily a well-groomed nails . You should not grow too long, sharp nails. They are uncomfortable with any profession . But not gently cut or file down the nails too low - it hurts the nail plate . It is better to give your nails an oval shape.
Do not cut the nail cuticle scissors , push it fairly regularly during hand washing.
With very thin and brittle nails useful several times during the day to wipe them with a mixture of lemon juice and vitamin A ( oily solution ) .

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