Thursday, September 5, 2013


Varicose veins ( varices ) - disease manifested in the increase in their size , change in shape and reduced elasticity. Most often affects the veins of the lower extremities . Translucent veins under the skin in the form of nodes. The flow rate of blood in the veins of slow , often leads to the formation of these thrombi . Eating disorders skin can lead to venous ulcers .
Phantom of varicose veins began to haunt us with as long as we have evolved from four-legged to two-legged . This is a natural reaction to bipedalism : hard to move blood from the foot to the groin against the resistance of gravity. Unfortunately, varicose veins , " a woman's face": women are affected by this disease twice as often as men.There are several reasons : the love of aesthetics (and, therefore , to wear high heels or tight clothing ) to hormonal contraception. Alas , pregnancy also affects the vessels of the legs are not the best way. And finally - a genetic predisposition. The fragility of vessels you can get by inheritance.
To complete the terrible picture , a few strokes : at risk include not only the owners of the classic "standing " professions ( hairdressers and flight attendants ), but also a vast cohort barman at the office : any prolonged stay in the same position (though sitting , even standing) makes its dirty deed. Yet here add smoking, excess weight, the habit of sitting cross-legged - and beautiful feet you can not see .
Problems with blood vessels nachinayutsya gradually : it is both good and bad. On the one hand - it is possible to track down the problem at an early stage , on the other hand - to shelve . Rarely goes to the doctor , seeing the first signs of trouble : tightness in the calves , swelling, long time passing marks from rubber bands and knee- socks, tightness in the shoe. Rather, we start to worry when acquiring a light foot cyanotic hue stood out because of the vascular network . And sometimes we lead up to the final stage - the bulging veins.
Where to run after a thrilling opening ? If you know the word " phlebologist " then you need to run it. The treatment that you will be assigned will depend on the degree of neglect of the problem .
treatment of varicose veins

Strengthen the walls of blood vessels .
For this approach are numerous ointments and venotonics . They do not give instant relief , but very useful when used regularly . One of the most popular ointments - heparin , it can be used at any stage of venous insufficiency.
Shrink the blood vessels.
Wearing a special compression stockings and knee-highs : reduce the width of the vessel , as well as improve the speed krovoobraschenieya and prevent swelling.
Use the advice of traditional medicine ( it is believed that taking certain herbal concoctions eventually reduces the problem to no) .
Here are a few recipes:

- Starting varicose veins can be treated with dry silvery wormwood. It should be well crushed in a mortar . Then, 1 tablespoon of the mixture pour 1 liter of yogurt , mix well and put on a gauze evenly , and then applied to the swollen veins. Treatment is carried out for 3-4 days , then a week later to repeat ;

- The appearance of pain lubricate sore tincture : 0.5 liter bottle filled 3/4 of birch buds and pour the vodka to the bottle. Lubricated to a few times at intervals of 15 minutes ;

- In the spring flowering dial bouquet of white lilac . A glass of flowers placed in a quart jar and pour 0.5 liters of vodka . Insist 7 days, then strain. When the white lily bloom , add 100 g of tincture of lilac lily flowers and 7-10 days more flowers acacia (one glass). Tincture will be ready in a week.
Strain and take the following way : before going to bed richly lubricate sore foot tincture , then wrap cellophane bag and wrap up with something warm . In the morning remove the wrap . Be careful - varicose veins can not tolerate exposure to cold, even in summer, so it is desirable to wear stockings ;

- A tablespoon of crushed leaves of hops , pour a glass of boiling water and heated to 15 minutes in a water bath . The resulting broth drink a glass before a meal ;

- Mix equal parts of the bark of hazel ( hazel ) and arnica . Two tablespoons of this mixture is poured 600 g of boiling water. Insist in a thermos 12 hours. Drink 1/ 3 cup three times a day;

- 250 g of finely chopped garlic and cover them with 350 g of liquid honey . The resulting mixture insist 14 days. Take a spoonful of 30 minutes before a meal. The results will be noticeable after two months ;

- Not bad helps decoction of 15 g buckthorn , 10 grams of lemon balm , yarrow herb 10 g and 10 g of flowers of thorns . Boil a tablespoon of mixture of a glass of boiling water , boil on low heat for 5-7 minutes, drain , cool. Drink a glass in the morning and before bedtime.
The broth is completely harmless , so you can drink it for a long time - 4-6 weeks , then take a week break and repeat the course ;

- 100 g pounded into powder grains of nutmeg add 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse in a dark place 8-10 days , occasionally shaking the contents . Take varicose veins of a teaspoon three times a day before meals. Before use, stir ;

- Well to infusion of Kalanchoe . 0.5 liter bottle filled half finely chopped leaves of Kalanchoe and fill up to the top with vodka. Put in a dark place and periodically shaken. After 7 days, tincture prepared . To rub her feet , starting from the foot , moving the knees and above. Pain in the legs will be fast, but to heal the grid veins , the procedure should be carried out within a few months;

- Peel horse chestnut seed - a powerful therapeutic tool . It is very good for varicose veins. Need to gather chestnuts , remove their skins ( not green spiky shell , and a thin brown with fruit) . Pour 100g peeled 1 liter of vodka. Infuse in a dark place 14 days. Drain. The infusion stored in the refrigerator . Take 25 drops ( mixed with 1/4 cup water ) 2 times a day (morning and evening) on an empty stomach . There can be no earlier than 30 minutes. The course of treatment 21 days. Make a break week, then repeat the course . Then again, take a break and repeat the course .
Tincture is contraindicated in low pressure and frequent bleeding .

- To the inflamed varicose nodes apply a compress of the flesh of white bread soaked in apple cider vinegar and sprinkled with baking soda. Cover with parchment paper , cotton , coarse cloth and secure with an elastic bandage to compress 8:00 . The treatment thus compress - not less than 10 days.

- In severe pain quite effective pack of red , very ripe tomatoes. Tomato make mush , put it on the bandage and tape to the leg. Cover with a layer of cotton or insulate something else. Compress secure with an elastic bandage for 8 hours.

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