Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Therapeutic mud.

The mechanism of action of mud on the human body
Therapeutic muds have a complex physico- chemical structure and its composition superior to many drugs , which leads to its more complex , multifaceted effect on the human body and is a tool for coordination systems functioning and metabolism. The therapeutic effect is determined by the combined action of mud closely related factors: the mechanical, thermal , chemical , biological, radioactive .
The action of the mud on the body of a multi-stage . The first step - it's impact on cellular peloid formation of skin and mucous membranes. Reflex effect on the efferent pathways enters the central nervous system. In the second stage transformed pulses in the efferent pathways through the third grade , come from cortical and subcortical structures in a variety of adaptive systems . The fourth step - change the way neurohumoral homeostasis and tissue metabolism . The fifth step provides for the development of protective mechanisms that leads to the weakening of the pathological process. The sixth step is connected with the resorption of pharmacologically active substances peloid . The seventh stage is associated with the intracellular metabolism provides a new state of the energy capacity of an organism by changing the reactivity of organs and systems , cellular structures through which therapeutic effects are realized .
Specific effects on the human body peloidoterapii defined physico -chemical characteristics of dirt on the one hand , adaptive and reactivity - on the other. Chemical and biological components act on receptors mud skin penetrate intact skin , sebaceous and sweat glands , thereby affecting the function of various organs.
When the reflex action on the skin and mucous membranes of patients have tactile, thermal, chemical , notseptivnye irritation , causing the overall reaction. Irritations are transmitted through mediators : gistaodn , acetylcholine , serotonin, kinins . They enhance the permeability of the skin and mucous membranes, contributing to a better penetration of chemical , biological, enzymatic components peloid .
The skin plays a crucial role not only in receiving mud active substances in the body , but in the chemical deposition spectrum Peloid . Deporaspredelitelny effect of skin by the action of physical factors related to the following aspects: adsorption on the surface of the skin chemicals of medicinal environment ( the "salt coat" ) and active absorption of many of them, one of the mechanisms of their penetration is the dissolution of the secret of the sweat and sebaceous glands, the formation of skin depot substances , components which operate on different structures of the skin and reflex - to many organs and tissues ; prolonged delivery of substances from the skin depot and selective (in accordance with tropism and reflex connections ) affect many tissues and organs . The chemicals contained in the medical muds : inorganic ions and organic compounds , humic acids, vitamins , lipids , amino acids, glucides , volatile gases ( hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide , amine base) and other trace components acting on the body directly through the skin and its structure and reflex humoral pathways. The water -soluble elements mud overcome the skin barrier with difficulty , fat-soluble substances have greater penetrating power .
Studies have proved, and the penetration of the body through intact skin sulfide , volatile substances , phosphorus , sulfur , sodium, chlorine , nickel , arsenic, iron, etc. These substances act in the body as biocatalysts in the enzymes and coenzymes affecting bioenergetic , immune and other processes. On penetration of the active substances from the sludge treatment in the human body is affected by: the acidity and temperature of the mud, the duration of exposure . By prolonged exposure through the skin into virtually any substance . In the study found that the permeability barrier gistogematologicheskih rises to 5 - th procedure , then decreased and returned to baseline after 10 days after the end of treatment.
Heat mud has antispastic , analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect , slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure, increases vascular permeability , enhances release of tissue metabolites , reduces the excitability of the nervous system. Step mud temperature factor is largely determined by the reactivity of the organism and its adaptive systems .With regard to the optimal temperature for mud therapy , there are different opinions . Many authors point out that the anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effect of therapeutic mud in increasingly greater at 46 ° C applications , rather than 38 " C. However , there are observations , according to which the mud at 44" C and above decreases sympathetic nervous system activity , there is a negative effect on the central , myogenic and metabolic regulation of the peripheral circulation , reduced trophic processes , possibly worsening the disease.
Under the influence of mud stimulates catecholamine biosynthesis , which leads first to a decrease and then a significant increase in the activity of the hypothalamic -pituitary- adrenal cortex . Peloidoterapii action on the autonomic nervous system is manifested in the form of two phases : first, increased tone of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system then - "full vegetative switch ."It has been suggested the formation of 3- phase reaction of the body to the action of the mud : Phase 1 - slozhnoreflektornaya ; Phase 2 - neurohormonal , third phase - the phase of the aftereffect .
The first two phases occur during the procedure , the third phase after 2-24 hours after its completion. Reaction of the autonomic nervous system to effect Peloid depends on its initial state and engage in the pathological process , and stage gains. In severe autonomic symptoms and the active course of the disease is increased sympathetic nervous system function in chronic process and the absence of severe vegetopatii - its oppression. As a result of humoral and hormonal shifts in peloidoterapii seromucoid reduced level in blood serum, which reduces dystrophy and improves the regeneration of connective tissue , mud increases growth hormone , cortisol , gonadotropic hormones. Of considerable interest are the humic substances that make up the main part of the whole complex ganic substances in the mud . The main part of the humic substances are humic , cream and ulmic acid.
They are sources of food microorganisms dirt sorbed radionuclides. Humic substances are mobile in the electric field. The biological activity of mud due to the presence of humic acids free radicals. Humic substances easily penetrate through the skin, can bind to a variety of ions from aqueous media , playing the role of " ion exchange " between the skin and dirt. The specific action of therapeutic mud is astringent and tanning effect on the skin that is caused by the reaction of humic acids to proteins of the skin. Humic acids have kortizonopodobnym action, cause inhibition of hyaluronidase , which is part of the connective tissue , arresting the processes of inflammation in patients with arthritis.
Peloidotherapy has a normalizing effect on the excretory function of the liver. Biostimulating properties have naphthenic acids , quinones , carotene , vitamins , etc. Magnesium chloride has anti-inflammatory effect , is effective in the treatment of venous ulcers. Calcium salts restore the disturbed electrolyte balance in the inflammation , providing also an anti-inflammatory effect.
Organic matter peloids are able to bind metal ions, radioactive substances, toxins. Healing mud stimulate the physiological functions of tissues and stimulates the oxidation reaction intensify bioenergetic processes , make up for energy expenditure spent on the fight against inflammation. When exposed to the local inflammatory process causes peloid tissue regeneration, improving the trophic , blood circulation , which contributes to pathological resorption of inflammatory products .In the exudative phase of inflammation and humic acid fraction steroidosoderzhaschie peloids limit the exudation and the migration of leukocytes in the area of ​​inflammation , slow down the development of edema . In the proliferative phase of inflammation mud increase plasma viscosity , reduce its permeability , increase the absorption of the products of inflammation and abnormal tissue fluid outflow . Increasing the activity of antioxidant system , inhibit lipid peroxidation in inflammation , restore processes of glycolysis and lipolysis . Organic substances inhibit polymerization peloids collagen fibers enhance aggregation glycosaminoglycans . Due to the enhanced release of macrophages and mast cells collagenolytic enzymes inside - cellular and extracellular collagenolysis develops . Mud applications enhance the maturation of fibroblasts and the subsequent formation of elastic fibers of the connective tissue and the regression of multiple sclerosis lesions .
Mud treatments have immunoregulatory effects on the patient , primarily due to stimulation of the glucocorticoid function kortikotsitov . During Phase peloidoterapii observed immune modulation . In the first week of treatment reduced immunoglobulin levels in the second half of the course of treatment - increased.Mud treatment increases the level of procoagulant and reduced fibrinolytic activity of blood . But at higher temperatures mud applications to 44 ° C dramatically increases blood coagulability .
Geographic data after the course peloidoterapii indicate increased blood supply to tissues , which improves trophic processes . Decreases the amount of lipids in the blood serum, improved education oxyhemoglobin enhanced redox processes , the process of rehabilitation of the inflammatory focus .
Therapeutic mud has antibacterial properties due to organic complex. It is able to adsorb pathogenic flora , particularly Staphylococcus aureus . Mud microflora ( biological factor ), being an antagonist of skin organisms , causing their death and rejection of flakes of dead horny layer of the epidermis. Accumulate on the skin chemicals and bacteria clog the ducts of sweat and sebaceous glands , forming them microinflammatory infiltrates. Due to the migration of Langerhans cells in the dermis and release interleukins the activation of cellular immunity in the skin.Under the influence of treatment peloids are functional transformation of many organ systems : cardiovascular , respiratory, nervous, endocrine , digestive, immune . Thus, peloidotherapy provides the following therapeutic effects : anti-inflammatory ( anti-edema , reparative and regenerative ) , metabolic , trophic , immunomodulatory , defibrosing , bactericidal , bio-stimulation , sedation, coagulating , keratolytic .

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