Monday, September 23, 2013

Birth asphyxia and birth trauma.

Pathology neonatal period - a set of pathological changes in the newborn under the influence of various causes that lead to serious illness in later life of the child . The most frequent pathologies of the neonatal period are birth asphyxia and birth trauma .
classificationSuch pathology , as asphyxia, classified according to the causes of it.Among the mechanical injuries are most common newborn clavicle fracture , fracture of the humerus , femur fracture , damage to the peripheral nervous system , intracranial injury.
Etiology and PathogenesisAsphyxia - it's impact on the systems and organs of the newborn baby of oxygen deficiency . Causes of neonatal asphyxia are intrauterine fetal hypoxia , both the acute and chronic , hit in the newborn respiratory mucus or amniotic fluid , a variety of defects. Most often asphyxia develops in the background of extragenital diseases during pregnancy, preeclampsia and placental abruption birth complications .
Birth injury - damage to the fetus, which occurs during childbirth , and can injure some tissues and individual organs. Birth trauma is the result of a reduced ability of the fetus to adapt to the external environment , and precipitating factors in this case are gestoses and cardio -vascular system of the mother , the defeat of the endocrine system and metabolic disorders, perenashivanie pregnancy and obstetric operations improper technique ( forceps delivery , application vacuum extraction ) .
The clinical picture of a birth traumaThe diagnosis of " asphyxia " is placed immediately after the birth. For this purpose, the Apgar score , which is based on the 5 most important clinical signs : heart rate , respiratory activity , muscle tone , reflex irritability and color of newborn skin .
Asphyxia in these children manifest depression syndrome nervous system: restlessness and increased neuro- reflex irritability , tremors , unstable fixation nystagmus , with a convergent strabismus character.Often, immediately after the birth of a child can be quite difficult to determine what exactly is the nature of his nervous system damage : traumatic or hypoxic .If the cause of traumatic lesions of the nervous system , then immediately after birth revealed circulatory shock . Skin is pale child , he unusually excited. Tremor of the limbs often asymmetrical , and the shrill cry ( "brain ")Clavicle fracture is detected immediately after birth , as the child can not perform active operations affected arm , and in particular the collarbone felt crepitus . Quite often broken collarbone is detected at 5 or 7 days after birth, when the fracture site becomes noticeable cartilaginous callus . After a fortnight in its place there is a bone spur .Humerus fracture is rare in clinical practice. It is difficult in the case of extraction handles the fetus during childbirth .Damage to the peripheral nervous system are mainly due to operations with forceps . In this case, most often suffers facial nerve.
The clinical picture of facial nerve injury is very characteristic : the nasolabial fold is flattened at the child , and the angle of the mouth dropped. If a child is crying , his mouth curved in a healthy way .If damaged beams brachial plexus (usually the case when the hand pressing on the OB region of the neck of the fetus ), then the child's shoulder is omitted, and a handle fixedly hanging along the body. At the same time he is able to move his fingers and move the brush.
Intracranial birth injuries can occur intracranial hemorrhage or cerebral edema . During the acute period in traumatic brain injury, brain share common phenomenon : the child looks very restless, crying , he recorded rapid breathing and a rapid pulse . Sometimes there are convulsions , tremor of the limbs. Also in this state, the baby does not sleep .
The incidence of vaginal candidiasis pregnant women, despite the preventive measures remains high. What is Candida ? This is a disease in which the fungus Candida species affects the mucous membranes and skin. Another name for candidiasis - thrush .

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