Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The effects of stress on the microflora

As we have repeatedly emphasized , human health is largely dependent on a healthy intestinal flora . In some states of the organism (injury , stress , heavy operations , antibiotic therapy and chemotherapy , radiation therapy, anesthesia , unfavorable environmental conditions, poisoning toxins, depression , exercise , etc.) and the composition of microorganisms inhabiting the body is normal, can change - and then there is a state of dysbiosis .Interesting studies have been carried out by Russian scientists . They studied the state of the tested volunteers in extreme conditions - for example, training of test pilots , accompanied by a significant neuro- emotional stress , increase physical activity in preparation for the flight, the astronauts , the work of scientists in Antarctica , the surrender of the session students or thesis defense scientists , adaptation to new recruits the first months of life , etc.Scientists have been reliably established that the " trigger " changes in the microflora is emotional stress. The studies show numerous violations detected at all levels of immunity, which is usually accompanied by increased incidence of infectious and non-infectious etiology, and especially changing the composition of microflora - in stressful situations, there is a sharp decrease in the number of bifidoflora .The use of drugs, " Lactobacillus " and " Bifidumbakterin " showed that bifidobacteria have immune-stimulating activity and increase the body's resistance to pathogens .So if your profession can be attributed to any of the categories listed below , you should pay close attention to the results of research scientists. So, you just need probiotic preparations , if you :1. Working in extreme situations (this category include workers working in shifts , athletes, members of polar and high mountain expeditions , test pilots , astronauts , etc.) ;2 . A sedentary lifestyle ;3 . Constantly feel nervous and emotional stress (this applies to businessmen , executives , politicians, law enforcement , etc.)But even if your work is not associated with this kind of physical or emotional overload , take care of themselves, their children and elderly parents : easier to prevent disease than to treat it ( we repeat ourselves , but the truth does not tarnish the repetition ) !

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