Monday, September 23, 2013


Breast disease in women often common. In this regard, women of any age , especially after age 40 , at least 1 time per month to carry out self-examination of breasts. When self- important to carefully probe the mammary glands in the supine position or standing.

Tech BSE
Better and more convenient just samooschupyvanie done in prone position , when the chest muscles relax , then you can find more clearly in the mammary gland seal. Hand in hand with the surveyed should lift up his head in the direction along the body. Use your fingertips to gently opposite hand and gently palpate each uchastochek breast cancer.
First you need to check the outer half , feeling the area of the nipple to the outside and from the bottom up . Then you need to check the inner half , you should start from the nipple and move inwards to the sternum and the top down. When the feeling of the breast is determined whether seals and components in breast tissue . Then , a little between your fingers squeezing the nipple and areola , to determine whether there is discharge from the nipple.
At the end of self- palpable breast armpits , subclavian, and supraclavicular area to identify whether the enlarged lymph nodes.
To the doctor a breast must apply in the following cases:
1. If there is a presence of secretions from the breast.2 . Redness or rash on the breasts .3 . Deformation of the breast.4 . Nipple retraction or distortion .5 . Swelling of the breast.6. The presence of nodules in the breast.
Timely access to a doctor is a chance to complete healing and to avoid the possibility of the operation, with which every woman is so difficult to reconcile both psychologically and emotionally.
Avoid and prevent deviations in pregnancy in women with insufficient levels of progesterone to help the drug utrozhestan when planning pregnancy.

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