Monday, September 23, 2013

Correction of the nasal septum

Deviated septum , usually manifested difficulty in nasal breathing. This difficulty is often observed on one side of the nose. Deviated septum is one of the causes of frequent chronic sinusitis .Surgery for difficulties in breathing are almost always necessary. Doctors strongly advise patients not to delay the correction of the septum forms and seek medical advice. Unfinished business , such as buying a new chair or the execution of credit card calmly wait for your return to the hospital. By the way, most of the patients who underwent surgery on the nasal septum , return to work after a week .
The most appropriate way to treat this disease in our time - a septoplasty operation , it is aimed at correcting nasal septum. Typically, this operation is not performed in children, due to the fact that part of the nasal septum cartilage develops to 18.
Septoplasty - prompt action to correct the form partitions . Surgeon performs the so-called submucosal resection ( excision ) partitions . The ultimate goal of the operation - to improve nasal breathing . In surgical practice, it is used to obtain adequate access to the nasal cavity , where necessary treatment of polyps , inflammation and tumors of the nasal cavity .
Injuries - the most common cause of septal deviation . The consequences of such diseases often :
Blockage of the nasal passage
Swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose on the affected area
Frequently recurring nosebleeds
Chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses
Pain in the face, headache
The appearance of snoring , loud nasal breathing at night ( especially common in children).After septoplasty operation on the face, usually not remain bruises or swelling. Septoplasty performed inside the nasal cavity. This operation lasts no more than two hours , the exceptions are the time the most complex cases . Physical activity should be limited to the patient another 2-4 weeks .

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