Thursday, September 5, 2013


Feet daily experience great stress , especially if the person is working while standing. In the spring , many on the heels appear callous , cracks that can cause pain when walking . In summer, the skin on your feet is dry , legkorazdrazhimoy often crack on the heels. A lot of trouble delivering excessive sweating of the feet . One wash often enough. Foot Care It only takes a few minutes a day , but the results will affect immediately.You need to wash your feet every day for the night with warm soapy water and dry it thoroughly . To wash your feet well to use 0.2 % solution of potassium permanganate . The skin between the toes and feet rubbed with a swab dipped in a 2% solution of salicylic alcohol. These wiping clean the skin and reduce her sweating . If your feet sweat a lot it is best to wear shoes with leather soles . It should not be overly carried away kapron products. When wearing tight shoes can appear so-called ingrown toenail. To avoid this, it is necessary to wear comfortable shoes and often cut toenails. Groomed feet spoil the gait, posture worsen , lead to rapid fatigue , and sometimes in pain when walking.

Trays from the infusion of herbs. When the legs " burn" from fatigue , helps bath infusion of elder flowers . Usually when preparing baths for feet taken : 100g chopped dried herbs or flowers , 1 liter of water. The composition is boiling over low heat for 15 minutes, then press 1 hour , and it is added to a basin with 3-5 liters of warm water.
The broth for foot baths can be made from ling , leaves, blueberries, blueberry , berry , leaves and pomegranate peel .
Eliminates bad smell from the foot of the decoction of leaves, petals and rose hips .
Sweating helps the infusion of dried chamomile 2 tablespoons to 1 liter of boiling water , broth tormentil - 2 tablespoons shredded rhizome in 1 liter of water. Boiled for 20 minutes , then brought to its initial volume.
Foot Care Foot : If the skin on the soles became rough, rough , cracks appeared daily at night to do the bath with baking soda , and 1-2 times a week - a "mask " for the feet of potato peelings and flaxseed . To do this, potato peelings should be thoroughly washed, mixed with 100 g of flaxseed mixed with a little water and cook until the slurry. In warm mush lower legs and feet to keep the 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and apply a cream for the feet.
To strengthen the skin of the feet is desirable to do the bath infusion of chamomile, flax seed , pine needles (2 tablespoons to 1 liter of boiling water) .
In the formation of the smallest feet on the skin cracks or abrasions do bath with calendula (1 tablespoon per gallon of water ) , St. John's wort or nettles (2 tablespoons per gallon of water ) .
Foot Balm . Olive oil - 50g , apricot kernel oil - 2 grams of vitamin A in butter - 5 g Before applying balm legs have to take a bath of soda 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 3 liters of water for 15-20 minutes.
Topically applied balm to lubricate the affected skin areas to prevent spurs, calluses and cracks. Good relieves tired legs , tones the entire body.

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