Sunday, September 22, 2013

Symptoms of toxicity

As a result of liver dysfunction in pregnancy may show a kind of early toxicity , as jaundice . In this case there icteric staining of the skin and sclera. Moreover, these symptoms are accompanied by toxemia pruritus . When liver disease prognosis unfavorable outcome of the disease . The skin gets sick saffron color, and her general condition begins to deteriorate rapidly . There are intense itching and vomiting , followed by convulsions. The patient goes into a coma and dies within a few days after the onset of the above events.
Another kind of early toxicity - dermatoses of pregnancy . In this case, the skin around the genitals, abdomen, arms , thighs and breasts appear redness, rash or hives in the form of the type of scarlet fever and itching , which is why the patient can not sleep and becomes irritable.Tetany pregnancy that occurs due to reduced function of the parathyroid glands, characterized by muscle spasms . Usually in the upper limbs , forcibly fixed in the form of " hands obstetrician ," somewhat less - the lower of the form " ballerina legs ." When tetany occurs grimace facial muscles , called "fish mouth ". This form of seizures is rare .
The main symptoms of preeclampsia include OPG , abnormal weight gain, edema, proteinuria , hypertension , seizures, and ( or) to whom.Pretoksikoz ( preclinical form of preeclampsia ) is a whole series of violations that occur in pregnant due to the fact that he can not adapt to the development of the fetus. The clinical picture pretoksikoza is a rise in systolic blood pressure of 20 mm Hg . Art. , and diastolic - 10 mm Hg. Art. This is accompanied by vascular asymmetry in the measurement of blood pressure in both arms . Leg and foot sore look pasty , puffy . In the urine - traces of protein. Daily urine output is reduced to 500 ml.
The most common symptom of late pregnancy toxemia - is swelling, which first appear in the feet and lower legs , and then on the thighs, vulva , arms, abdomen and face. Fluid accumulates usually in the subcutaneous tissue , but can be locked and hidden swelling. Body weight while pregnant increases rapidly up to 400 g per week . The patient feels generally good. Only in the event that significant edema , dyspnea , increased thirst and fatigue . The analysis revealed an increase in blood chloride content , with urine and pressure are normal .

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